NR - Callie Banner Pt. 2

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"ROOOAAAAR!" My body shakes, my insane green muscles flexing, as I bellow with rage.

My eyes lock on Steve who's staring at me. He points to a cement bunker. I glance at it then back at Steve. He slowly lifts his shield, thinking I'm going to do something. Instead, I let out a small rumble with a smirk. I clench my fists as I sprint to the bunker, ramming through it with my body, absolutely destroying it. I recognize the bad guys since they're shooting me, not making a dent. I pick one man up and throw him into the sky, evidently killing him. I kill off multiple at a time. When I finish my group, I find my way back to the team. I point out a familiar redhead. I walk up to her, my bare green feet slamming the ground under me. Nat turns her head to me coming up to her.


I huff with a nod. Suddenly, there are multiple gunshots aiming for her. She ducks out of the way. I point out the source and, in pure rage, gallop on all fours up to them, slamming them into the ground. More bullets fly at me and just like the rest of the enemies, I take them out.


"Meet at the jet," Steve instructs through coms when we complete the mission.

"What about Callie?" Tony asks.

"Nat, you've dealt with Bruce in the past. Do you think you have any shot at getting her back?" Steve tries.

"I can try..."

In the near distance, there's a low growl. I know Callie and her dad are different so I'm not 100 percent sure I can get her back into human form but I'm the team's best bet. I follow the sounds of Callie's Hulk's roars and grumbles. I find her in a small clearing of trees, ripping apart a car.

"Hey big girl," I say calmly.

She whips her head to me with a snarl. I crouch down in the dirt to show her I'm no threat to her. She definitely resembles her father. Her enlarged ripped, white tank top crop top and her torn-up black leggings. She has her father's size, she's huge, probably only just slightly smaller than Bruce's Hulk. Her long blonde hair is now a darker green than the rest of her body. I hold my hand out but she huffs and turns away.

"The sun's getting real low," I try, hoping she listens to the same things as Bruce.

"No!" Cal's Hulk growls deeply.

"Okay," I surrender, thinking of something else.

"How's it going with Hulk? Any luck?" Tony asks through coms.

"No, I don't know what to say to her," I tell the team.

"Should we bring out Veronica?"

"No. Not for Cal. What did Bruce tell us about how to calm her?" I panic.

"Shit. Does anyone remember?" Tony almost laughs, clearly forgetting as well.

"She's the opposite of her father. That's all I remember," Steve says.

The opposite. I turn back to Callie who's growling and ripping a tree right out of the ground. She rips it in half and throws it. Luckily, she throws it in the opposite direction of me.

"Hey, the moon's coming up," I try, thinking about the opposite of the sun.

Callie whips back around to me. With a low grumble, her green eyes stare right into mine.

"The moon?" I ask mostly to myself. "Yeah, the moon's coming up," I say again.

Miraculously, she slowly stomps up to me, still crouching. When she's a few feet from me, she drops to the ground with her legs crossed. She leans her face towards me. I take this as a signal that something else is supposed to happen. The only problem: I have no idea what to do. Her huge face stops a foot away from mine. Not knowing what else to do, I hesitantly lift my hand, placing my middle and index finger on her head between her eyebrows. She instantly closes her eyes. At least I did that right. She stays in place, telling me there's more to this routine. I slowly drag my fingers down the bridge of her nose, calmly flicking down the tip of her nose when I finish.

Suddenly, she huffs and growls, getting up from sitting, stumbling backward. She roars as she falls into a tree, grabbing it to stay standing. Within seconds, she's transforming back into herself. At last, she's laying in the dirt in a ripped tank top and leggings that fit her normal human size. She cowers against a tree as I walk up to her.

"Hey there," I greet her, crouching in front of her. The eyes that were looking at me since I crouched in front of her just look away shamefully. "Let's get you to the jet."

She allows me to support her up and we head to the jet. There, she collapses on the floor of the jet with her dad's headphones on. That's one big similarity: they both need calming music after a code-green. I let her listen to her music the whole jet ride.


"How was the mission?" Bruce greets us when we all file into the living quarters of the tower.

Callie stays silent, walking past her dad.

"We had a code-green," I tell him.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, we're good."

"How is she?" Bruce gestures to his daughter who disappeared into her room.

"Shaken. I don't think she was prepared for a code-green but we handled it and no one got hurt," I assure him.

"I'm glad you guys remembered my instructions."

"We-" I start but am cut off.

"We actually had no idea what we were doing. No one remembered," Tony cuts in.

"So how did you get her back?" Bruce questions further.

"Honestly, I think it was just luck," I tell him.

"It's never luck." Bruce stares at me for a second.

"What?" I question his looks.

"Either she... Or..." he whispers so quietly I can't hear half of his statement.

"What?" I try but he's already walking away,

In my room, I change out of my ripped clothes and get into sweatpants and a hoodie. After what just happened, all I want to do is sleep.

"Hey, can I come in?" My dad's voice makes me jump a little.

"Okay," I sigh.

He closes my door behind him and nervously crosses his hands in front of him. "Heard about the code-green. How are you doing?"


"I also heard Natasha was the one who brought you back."

"Yeah? And?"

"Since the day you were born, since your first incident, no one has ever been able to bring you back except me. So... tell me about that."

"There's nothing to tell."

"Do you want me to ask the other girl?"

"No, Dad."

"Can I tell you what I think?"


"I think either the other girl has a special liking to Nat or... you do."

I look away from my dad in annoyance. "Even if I had a 'special liking' for Nat, she just saw... the other girl... for the first time so there's no chance of that happening. Thanks though," I try to shut him down.

"I think considering she's the second human on this planet to have the ability to bring you back, you have a chance. Just talk to her."

"If I talk to her, will you drop it?"


"Fine." I get up from my bed to find Nat.

I find her lounging alone in the meeting room watching some TV. I nervously walk in. When she hears me, she turns to me with a smile.


"Hey, Nat."

"What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

She taps the seat next to her on the couch, so I cautiously sit next to her.

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