🔞 Romantic Getaway Pt. 3

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-Paris, France-

The first destination I planned for my wife and me is Paris. I booked a small apartment for a few days. The apartment is absolutely stunning and the best part: we have a clear and close view of the Eiffel Tower from our balcony attached to the living room.

"You really outdid yourself, honey. I don't know how you can top this," Scarlett comments as we're gazing at the Eiffel Tower after getting settled.

"Only the best for you."

She smiles and turns to me, taking my face in her hands and kissing me passionately. I know where this is going and I love it. I press my face harder to hers and push my tongue into the kiss, earning a tiny moan from my wife. My hands roam her body while hers slip into my hair, pulling me impossibly closer.

The bedroom isn't far since it's a small French apartment so I back us up while kissing her until we reach the room. There, I push her down onto the stupidly comfortable king-sized bed. We rip off our clothes before I come between her bent legs. I don't hesitate to jump right into it. There's not much time to waste. My hand drags down her naked body and straight into her. She gapes open her mouth and lets out a long deep moan. I start slow, pumping at an even pace, gradually speeding up when the time feels right.

As I suck on her neck, she presses down harder on my upper back so we're pressing together. She moans into my ear. It's loud. It's heavenly. Her heavy moans earn some of my own. We fuck until sundown, breaking in the bed early in our trip.

In Paris, we travel around the city. We see the stunning Eiffel Tower and, just like every other tourist, take a picture of us kissing in front of it. Of course, we visit the Louvre Museum and drive down Champs-Elysees to see the Arc de Triomphe. At the end of our few days here, we sadly pack up and leave for the next destination.

-Selfoss, Iceland-

I rented a small cottage in Iceland. It's peaceful and very secluded. We've been in Iceland for a day already. We've mainly been staying at the house since it's the perfect place to get alone time. We rarely have enough time to get intimate like this.

Scarlett and I stand on the front porch as the sun lowers below the horizon. My hands hold her face and hers grip my waist as our tongues glide past one another in a heated, passionate kiss.

"We should get away more often," I breathe between motions.


I smile against her lips while slowly backing us up until I hit the wooden wall. With nowhere to go, she pushes against me harder, our tongues pushing down the other's throat. Her hands stay on my collarbones to keep me on the wall and mine pull her closer by the waist. As we hum and moan into each other's mouths, I gradually slide my hands around her body, eventually ending in her pants, squeezing and rubbing her ass.

Slowly but surely, we inch our way to the small bedroom. By the time we're laying down, all our clothes are scattered around the room. Scarlett lays us down getting between my legs which instantly wrap around her waist. Her hands roam my body while I do the same to her. I only unwrap my legs when she starts kissing down my body. Starting at the corner of my jaw, she slowly makes her way down to my core. The second her lips touch my gut, I let out a loud moan. I can feel her smirking against my skin.

Without warning, she spreads my legs more and connects her lips to my wet cunt. She licks and sucks me dry. As tired as she made my body, when she's finished between my legs, I flip us over. It only feels fair that I give her the same treatment she gave me.

The main thing we do in Iceland is Northern Light hunting. Well, that's the main reason I booked a trip here. My life wouldn't be complete if my wife and I didn't see the lights. The first time I saw them, I almost cried, they were so beautiful. Shades of green light dance gracefully across the sky.

Unfortunately, the trip comes to an end in Iceland so we head to the next area of the world.

-Venice, Italy-

To finalize our romantic getaway, we end up in Venice, Italy. We've been to New Zealand, Tahiti, a town called Banff in Canada, Rio de Janerio, and a few more. Each country, city, or town we visit is more romantic than the last. We stay in small homes for a week (or two if we like it enough). Of course, there is no way of getting around getting intimate. I personally think having sex in other countries hits different—quite literally.

My favorite adventure was riding a private gondola all along the Grand Canal. We saw stunning Italian homes along the edge of the water, little docks where people's small boats are kept. It was perfect. Somehow, we lasted all week. But tonight, our final night here, Scarlett and I sit on the carpet in front of our fireplace wrapped in a shared blanket. We watch the orange-red flame flutter over the logs and yellow embers float in the air above.

"This vacation has been... amazing. For lack of better terms," Scarlett says softly.

"It has, hasn't it? Too bad we can't get away like this all the time." I stare down at our hands, our fingers intertwined in her lap.

"We go back tomorrow?"

"The afternoon, yes."

"What a shame."

I feel eyes on me so I glance up and catch her gaze. We hold each other's eyes until one of us leans in—that being me. I lean slowly, letting our lips lock lightly. After a few long minutes, Scar parts her lips against mine, her tongue tasting like the sweet red wine we were enjoying. I slide my hands up her arms, one remaining on her waist, the other holding her face. We let the blanket drop since the fire keeps us warm enough.

While making out slowly and passionately, I carefully turn us and push her down. She happily accepts me between her bent legs on the fluffy carpet. While I'm keeling, I seductively pull my shirt off over my head, doing the same to Scarlett. Now shirtless, I hover over her, my lower body pressing against hers. I'm not even doing anything but I feel good. Now is when I start grinding, her hands in my hair grip tighter.

She lets out little moans every now and then when I hit a spot she likes. Moving from her lips, I kiss her neck lightly as our bodies rock together. Her hands move down to the nape of my neck, dragging her fingers over my shoulder blades and top of my spine. The sensation of her hands on me sends shivers through me even in front of a blazing fire.

Finally, I reposition to make room for my hand between her legs. Still holding myself up with one, I slide my hand down her exposed upper body and into her booty shorts. Her long moan fills my ears as I pump into her. I take it slow, both of us are a bit tired from the long, exciting day we just had. I finally release a groan of my own when Scar's hand slides down my body and into my pants, squeezing my ass.

Our final foreign fuck lasts a long time. With the friction and heat from the fire, we sweat more than ever. By the time we're done, I collapse by her side and just breathe heavily. I stare up at the wooden beams running across the fire-lit ceiling.

"Thank you for this amazing trip," Scar finally says.

"No, thank you. It was perfect."

We fall silent until the sweat dries and we grow more tired. When that time comes, I roll to lay my upper body on top of my wife's, quickly getting comfortable and falling asleep. Unfortunately, we have to go home tomorrow but after everything we did these past couple of months, I'm not that mad about it. I was just lucky we got away for a while. A perfect romantic getaway.

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