Hitchhiking Pt. 6

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"Okay. Backpack, laptop, textbooks-"

"Mom, please. I double–no, triple-checked the list you wrote me. I swear, I'm fine."

Mom drops into her barstool at the kitchen island. "I worry, that's all."

"You don't need to, I'm okay." I bounce on the balls of my feet, ready to head out but Mom grabs me.

"It's your first day of college. It's okay to not be ready."

"I feel fine. I feel good. I have to go, though. I'm gonna be late." I try to slowly back up without her noticing but she does.

"Fine. Just let me walk you to your car." When we get to my tiffany blue Acura NSX, she once again lingers. "Drive safe. Text me when you get there." She pauses, takes a deep breath. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." I smile sheepishly.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. I'll see you this weekend."

Mom pulls me into a tight hug then lets me into my car to drive to college.


About an hour and a half later, I'm pulling into the California Institute of Technology dorm parking lot. I'm overflowing with joy. All during the car ride, my phone went off with "Good luck!" and "So proud of you!" texts from my cast friends. Mom's been bragging to them about me getting into Caltech. She was so sure I'd get in that she invited the cast over when I opened the letter that just happened to be an acceptance letter. Caltech has only a 6% acceptance rate, so, props to me. I send a quick text to Mom saying I made it and I'm safe then head to my dorm.

"Hey!" my roommate squeals as I walk into our dorm.

"Hey!" I greet her, holding my hand out to shake but, to my surprise, she just pulls me into a quick hug instead.

"I'm sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't bring it up but I'm really dying to know. What's it like being Scarlett Johansson's daughter? Are you, like, friends with the Marvel cast?"

I let out an awkward chuckle. I knew there was no way of getting around these questions but I was hoping. "It's normal. We're a normal family, just people. And yeah, I do know the cast. They're basically my extended family."

"That's so fucking cool. Anyway, I gotta get to class. See ya!" She scurries out of the room before I can say bye.

I have less than an hour until my first class of the day: calculus. I'm studying to be an electrical engineer. Most people would assume I'd become an actress because that's what my mom is and I'm surrounded by actors and actresses because I hang out with the Marvel cast nonstop but, no. I'm not good at acting. I'm good at math and science.


Sitting at a two-person table, I'm scribbling down notes as my professor talks. It's the first day and we're already doing math.

There's a tap on my arm followed by, "Hey, I can't read this guy's handwriting. What does that say?"

I turn to see who's talking to me and my jaw almost hangs open. Sitting next to me is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She has long dark, practically black hair, a soft yet sharp jawline, honey brown eyes under long black eyelashes, and a breathtaking smile that shows her perfect pearly whites, even if it's a small smile.

"Um. Here." I slide my notebook over to her knowing damn well I'm missing more notes.

"Thanks." Her bright smile grows before she turns to copy my notes into her own notebook. Even her handwriting is pretty. She curls her Ys and Gs and makes her letters all connect in some way. It's not cursive, but it's flowy and perfect. She slides my book back to me and I have to tear my eyes away from her to stop staring.

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