Soulmates: Touch Pt. 3

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"Hello?" Robert waves his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Hm?" I snap back into reality.

"Where are you?"

"Would you believe me if I said right here?"

"Nope," RDJ smiles. "So, what's going on? We need you in the present. It's a big day."

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just distracted."

"Thinking about Callie?"

"Yeah," I sigh.

"Hey, you'll see her soon, I'm sure."

"I'd like to have your positivity," I briefly smile then run off to film my scenes for the day.

While Scarlett is filming her scenes, I sneak off to meet Jeremy and Evans in my trailer with Joe Russo. It's a secret meeting, the reason we're talking in my trailer rather than the conference room. Anywhere else, people would get curious.

"Did you get it?" Jeremy eagerly asks.

"Are you doubting me?" I chuckle, pulling Scarlett's phone out of my pocket and holding it up like a trophy.

"Yes!" Evans celebrates with his fists in the air.

"Do I even want to know how you stole your coworker's phone?" Joe asks.

"First of all, I didn't steal it. Second, no, you don't."

Joe huffs with a smile and a small head shake. "Just call her. Put her on speaker," he instructs nicely.

I smile big as I open Scarlett's phone (yes, I know her password) and find her girlfriend's contact. I put the call on speaker and after the third ring, she picks up.

"Hey, Scar. What's up?"

"Hi, sorry, it's not Scarlett," I start.


"Hi, Callie? This is Joe Russo. You're on speaker with Robby, Jeremy, and Chris. We're calling to invite you to the set. Would you be interested in flying out here to surprise Scarlett within the month?"

"Within the month? Hold on, let me sit down," Callie sighs. The four of us exchange looks with each other before she continues. "So, how would this play out, exactly?"

"Well, whenever it's convenient for your schedule, we'd like to fly you out for however long you'd like to stay. You can stay here on set or we can pay for a hotel room nearby, whatever you're comfortable with," Joe explains.

"I-I would love to! Unfortunately, I'm getting called into work so I have to let you go. Feel free to contact me later so we can talk about this! Thank you!"

When the call ends, Joe watches as the three of us celebrate together, a smirk tugging on his lips.

-2 weeks later-

Joe Russo and I planned out my trip to Georgia to see Scarlett and finalized plans last week. I'm on the plane right now, landing within the hour. Scar still has no idea I'm coming and the whole cast is in on it so they don't spoil anything and they are going to help hide me when I arrive. If I remember correctly, Lizzie is picking me up from the airport.

"Callie!" Liz squeals, scrunching her nose, as I step into her car, instantly reaching over to hug her.


"I've missed you."

"I've missed you more," I giggle.

"Let's go sneak you onto set," she smirks.



Lizzie and I stand outside the back door. "Okay, Robby just texted me. Scarlett's on her last scene of the day. We have a few minutes to get you in."

"Where's in, exactly?"

"The lounge."

I nod in agreement and allow Lizzie to quietly pull open the back door. We slip in and almost literally tiptoe through the set building. We sneak silently to the lounge where I'm finally relieved of the stress of hiding from my girlfriend who has no idea I'm here. I flop down on one of the sofas and Lizzie announces she has to go film, I stay here, and Scarlett will be sent in the second she's done.

"Great job today guys. Those of you who are done, you're free to go," Chris Castaldi announces to us.

I tiredly step off the set and I'm immediately greeted by Robby and Jeremy, one on either side of me.

"Hey there," Jeremy grins.

"Hi," I deadpan.

"Where you off to?" Robby smirks.

"My trailer?"

"Want to hang out?"

I turn to Robby with furrowed, raised eyebrows. "Hang out?"

"Yeah!" he exclaims.

"I'm tired," I try to shut him down nicely.

"So am I yet here I am," Jeremy refutes.

"Okay," I finally surrender slowly. "Just let me get changed."

The boys squeal like children and I allow them to wait outside my trailer while I get changed, leading me towards the set's lounge when I'm ready. Outside the door, the boys look at each other for a moment and smile.

"Close your eyes," Jeremy instructs me.


"Please?" Robby begs.

I sigh. "I'm too tired to argue with you." I reluctantly close my eyes and let them drag me into the room.

I hear whispers and mumbles but nothing I can make out even though they're right next to me. Whoever they are, they're really doing everything they can to keep themselves a secret. Firm but careful hands position me to their liking.

"Okay," Jeremy says, his hands coming off of me. "Open."

My eyes flutter open to someone standing in front of me. My vision starts out blurry so I don't realize who it is. My heart skips a beat when I recognize the gorgeous figure in front of me to be my lovely girlfriend.

"It's like Comic-Con all over again," she smiles.

"Shut up," I huff, grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug.

I place light kisses all over her neck as I nuzzle my face into it.

"I've missed you," Cal whispers into the hug.

"I've missed you so much."

"You guys are adorable," Robby comments, causing us to part ways but I keep my arm around her waist.

"You killed the moment," I blush.

"Sorry," Robby chuckles.

"I'm taking her to my trailer where you can't bother us. But whoever brought her here, thank you," I smile at the boys before dragging my girlfriend to be alone.

"I can't believe you're here," Scarlett smiles in between placing kisses on my lips as she walks me backward into her room.

"Neither can I. Getting a call from Joe Russo is really something," I jest as she lays me down.

"I'm glad though, I've missed you." She hovers over me, her lips grazing mine.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to see you."

"Let's make this worth our time," she smirks before leaning down and connecting our lips.

The soft kiss becomes heated within seconds as we release our feelings of not seeing each other.

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