NR - Reunion

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Y'all... This one made me so happy. This is the first crossover between my works! I'm 100% doing more crossovers like this, it was so fun bringing two world/ works together:)

A/N at the bottom.
Today's a special day for us. It's the Avengers reunion. They try to have one annually and since Nat and I got married and had kids, we've obviously retired from them. But we absolutely love going to the reunions. It's so great to see everyone. And I mean everyone. SHIELD agents (sometimes), current Avengers, previous Avengers, and pretty much anyone who was a part of us at some point is invited to the compound for a big party and dinner. Nat and I have only missed one in the 18 years we've had kids and that day was because Greyson was in the hospital (a pretty solid reason to miss a reunion).

It's about 6:30 PM right now and we have to be at the compound in a half an hour. So, in our bedroom, Nat and I get ready. I get changed into the classiest suit I own, a slick all-black suit with a black undershirt and red tie. My heels match my black suit perfectly. To top it all off, my shiny silver chain and both ears with all the holes filled, my industrial piercing on my left ear is my favorite. Nat gets into a stunning black dress to match my suit. It's a tight high-neck maxi dress with a slit down her left leg, exposing her perfect skin, and black heels. I purposely wore a red tie with a red triangle folded handkerchief in my breast pocket to match Nat's red lipstick.

"Wow, you are so beautiful," I drool.

"Damn, we look good together."

"We do," I agree with a kiss to her cherry-flavored lips.

"Ready to go?"

"Born ready."

I lead Nat out of the bedroom and downstairs where we find our two kids coexisting in the family room. When they hear our heels click into the room, their heads turn towards us.

"We're leaving for the dinner," I tell them.

"Okay, when will you be home?" Dallas asks.

"Probably pretty late, hun. You know to call us if you need anything. There's money in the kitchen for dinner. I left key to the Maserati but try not to go out unless you have to."

"Okay, thanks."

We each give the kids a kiss on their heads before leaving the house. Ten minutes later, we're pulling up to the compound and walking in. Like always, we're greeted by all of our friends as we make our way into the party room. Nat stays linked to my arm for the most part as we mingle and get drinks.

"It feels like we haven't seen you guys in so long!" Tony says over the music.

"I know. I'm glad we're here. I hate missing these things. It's so great to see everyone again," I smile.

"How are the kids?" Pepper asks us.

"Good! Dallas got her license last month," I tell her, Nat distracted by the party around us.

As my wife talks to our small group of friends, I scan the room of people partying. I like to people-watch. I point out Wanda and Vision in a different group, Bucky being flirted with by some women, Steve just walking in, even Carol made an appearance tonight. There are a few SHIELD agents here, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, Sharon Carter, Phil Coulson, Jimmy Woo, etcetera. I recognize a lot of people here, mostly everyone. As I look around, one face pops out to me, someone I haven't seen in years.

I think I stared at her for too long because she starts making her way over to me. I don't know why but my heart beats a little faster, maybe just because it's been so long.

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