NR - Truth or Dare (Rewrite)

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"Okay okay," Tony sputters through his laughter from the previous round.

These rounds of truth or dare just keep getting worse and worse, more and more sexual and it's entertaining. I really thought I've seen it all until Bucky was dared to kiss Steve, which he did, and it was probably one of the best moments of all of my time being an Avenger. I mean, we're all drunk so that makes everything even funnier.

"Callie! Truth or dare?" Tony smirks at me.

I can tell he waited the whole game just for this moment. The way he evilly smirks at me tells me he's up to no good. I'm scared but I want to keep this interesting.

"Dare." I evilly smirk back at him.

"7 minutes in heaven. You choose who you go with."

I look around the circle of my friends, all of who are giggling to themselves because of the dare Tony just gave me. I look back at him, raising my eyebrows in disbelief. I already knew who I wanted to go with, I immediately did as soon as Tony said the words "7 minutes in heaven". Natasha Romanoff. She's my closest friend here, my best friend actually, and I am in love with her but she doesn't know that. I don't even think she's gay.

"Uhh... I-" I start laughing out of embarrassment. "You know what? I choose Nat." I turn to Nat who is now laughing as well.

"Well, okay then. Let's get going. We have heaven to get to for a whole 7 minutes." She giggles as Tony leads us to our "heaven", which is just a utility closet in the corner of the room.

As soon as the door shuts, we're left alone in the dark. We can't help but giggle together.

"Nat," I say through the laughter.

"Cal," she mocks my nervousness.

"I have to tell you something." My laughter dies down.

"Okay, shoot," she says, still giggling.

"Nat, I'm being serious." I drop my laughter as much as I can and break eye contact, even though there is no eye contact anyway because it's pitch dark in this closet.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What is it?" She finally calms her laughter and I can feel her eyes locked on me even though I'm looking down at my feet.

"I... Um..."

"Cal, what is it?"

"Nat you... are my best friend. And I love you. Very much." I can't look her in the eyes.

"Hey. What's going on with you?" My best friend cups my face in her hands and makes me look at her.

"Nothing's going on with me."

"You're so full of shit." I can feel her smiling at me as she squishes my cheeks, something she always does to me when I'm upset that makes me feel better for some reason.

I can't help but tear up a little out of fear.

"Hey. Callie. Seriously, what's up?" A tear falls and she wipes it with her thumb.

"Nat I-"

"You're in love with me, I know," she interrupts me and I can feel my face heat up from blushing so much.

"Was it that obvious?"

"I guess so," she chuckles, easing my nerves.

"Nat, I don't want this to ruin our friendship. You're my best friend. I'm sorry. I didn't wan-" I'm cut off by the feeling of warmth against my lips.

I don't realize what's going on at first because I'm in shock. The moment stays frozen for a few seconds then she pulls away. I open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off again.

"I'm in love with you, Callie. I'm just too stubborn to admit it first. Took you long enough to say it though." She keeps her hands on my face and rubs my cheeks with her thumbs.

i am so mad that i deleted this. this was my most read one bc it was the first. i'm so mad. and i had good comments on it too. ugh. if you commented on the original, i'd love to see your comment again:)

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