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"Dude you're going to do great. Seriously. Don't stress it," my best friend, Juniper, tries to comfort me as I'm going over my lines in the waiting room.

"This is the biggest film I've auditioned for. Marvel's a big deal, June." My whole body is shaking and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

A man comes through a door at the end of the room and calls someone's name then who's up next. "Callie Atwood, you're up next."

Suddenly, my heart stops and I start shaking worse than before. June notices this and places her hand on mine on the arm of my chair.

"Oh my god. I'm next. Oh shit," I panic.

"Hey, you got this. Just breathe. You've been practicing for so long. Just stay in the moment, don't overthink it. Just like we practiced." She gives my hand a squeeze and suddenly the door opens and the same man from before steps in.

"Callie Atwood," he announces, looking down at his clipboard, tapping it twice with his pen then disappearing back into the other room.

"Shit. Okay. I"ll be back soon."

"Good luck Cal!" She smiles big and I follow the man through the door.

I walk in to see a long table of random people all staring at me. In the middle of everyone, a fancy-looking woman in a suit introduces herself.

"Hi, I'm Sarah Finn, Marvel's casting director. I see here you're auditioning for the role of Vertigo, a big one. You can start whenever you'd like." With her intimidating instruction, I stand in the middle of the room, take a deep breath, and start acting my heart out.

"Okay, great. Thanks for coming in. We'll call you regarding the part within a few weeks. Have a good rest of your day." Sarah Finn smiles at me and gestures towards the door when I finish my skit from the script I was given.

I thank everyone in the room and make my exit. I rush over to June and drag her out of the waiting room.

"Well? How'd it go?" she presses when we get into my car.

"I don't know! I don't think I did terribly though! When I finished, the casting director, Sarah Finn, said, and I quote, 'okay great. Thanks for coming in.' So I think it went okay. She said they'll call me about if I got the part or not within a few weeks."

"I think you probably nailed it. You've been in a few movies, so at least it's not like you have no experience, right?"

"Yeah true, thanks. I guess now we just wait for the call," I nervously chuckle before driving June and me back to my apartment.

-2 weeks later-

"Dude what's going on? Why are you so fidgety?" June asks, looking down at my hands that are playing with my phone in my lap on my couch.

"I'm nervous," I quickly and nervously respond.

"Oh yeah? 'Bout what?"

"It's been like two weeks and I haven't gotten a call. I'm starting to think I might not have gotten that part."

"They said in a few weeks. That could mean anything. Just give it more time, I'm positive you'll get that call." June shoots me a warm, reassuring smile.


Once again, I'm hanging out with June, walking along Santa Monica beach right before sunset. We've been hanging out most days since the audition. I've been a nervous wreck and she's been an angel with it.

"...and he booked us a trip to New York, to see his family for the holiday. I've only been to New York, like, one or two times so I'm actually really pumped. And I love his fam-" As June rambles, I feel my phone buzz frantically in my pocket.

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