NR - Sugar Rush

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"Lady Callie! Would you like a pop tart?" Thor booms as he wanders into the living room where my girlfriend and I are sitting.

"Thor no-" I try before quickly being cut off by squealing and giggles.

"OO YES! THANK YOU THOR!" She jumps off the couch and skips up to the god.

He hands her a pop tart packet and she basically inhales them. I put my fingertips on my forehead. 'Oh no,' I think to myself, preparing for the upcoming chaos.

"Oh my god these are so good do you have any more I want more please give me more," Callie sputters all in one breath very quickly.

"Maybe not Cal..." I try but she gives me a death stare.

"I'll do you one better." We all turn to see Wanda standing in the doorway with a smirk and now I know this is going to be hell and there's no stopping it.

Wanda moves her hand from behind her back to reveal an ice cream bar. I look at Callie who's face lights up with excitement and before I get the chance to say anything, Callie's already unwrapping the sugary snack.

"Holy crap this tastes so good," she says with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Oh, Wanda what have you done?" I ask as I follow Callie around.

"What? It's just ice cream," she innocently responds with a smirk.

Everyone in the compound knows what happens when Callie has sugar. We all try to avoid it the best we can but when it happens, we're almost never prepared for the chaos.

"Shit," I curse under my breath when we hear a crash from the kitchen.

I run to where we heard the sound but don't see anyone, just two knocked-over island stools and the bowl of fruits on the floor. Wanda comes into the kitchen after me and laughs at the mess.

"What in the world happened?" she asks, picking up the stools and putting the bowl of fruit back on the counter.

"Sugar happened. Callie and sugar don't mix. This is why we don't feed her sugary things."

I let out a chuckle when I hear a low bang sound and someone yell, "Fuck".

"Oh no. Come on, we gotta find her. She'll run around New York if we don't catch her before she leaves the compound." I basically drag Wanda around the compound in search of Callie.

We follow the crashes and yells around the compound with no luck in catching the crackhead. Everywhere she goes, she leaves a mess of some sort, a mess that we have to clean up.

"Okay, Wanda we won't find her if we stick together. You stay on this floor and I'll go upstairs to our room. Text me if you find her," I instruct Wanda before running away to the elevator.

"Baby...?" I call into the dark hallway of bedrooms I'm walking down.


"Oh shit." I quickly make my way to the sound, listening for anything else.

At the end of the hallway is my room across from Cal's room. Little alarming sounds continue to come from the end of the hall. When I'm standing between mine and Callie's rooms, I pause to listen. I hear muffled ruffling from my room so I crack open the door and it's pitch black in there.

"Baby?" I whisper, getting no response. "Callie?" I call more sternly.

I'll admit it, I'm a little freaked out right now. It's unusually dark up here, eery almost. It's really quiet, except for the sounds Callie makes when she runs into or breaks something. It's so dark in my room, I can't even see two feet in front of me.

I push the door open all the way, stepping in and turning on the light. I immediately crack up when I see Callie hanging off the side of the bed with a bag of Sour Patch Kids in one hand and when the light turns on, her head whips to the side to look at me with wide eyes. When she realizes who it is, she quickly scrambles off the bed and stands in her 'fight stance' in front of me. Her 'fight stance' is just her kind of squaring up to me from a distance, it's a bit strange.

"Hey, babe. Whatcha got there?" I carefully ask her.

"Shour Patch Kich," she responds with a mouth full of candies.

"You're going to have the worst sugar crash. Why don't you just come with me, we can get you all ready for the crash?" I try to reach out to her but she steps back.

"Okay, so we're doing this the hard way." I get into my own 'fight stance' in front of her, preparing myself for anything.

I take a step forward and she tries to run around me but I block her path. A smirk grows on her and I get the feeling that she might win this one but I'm not about to give up. She tries to trick me out by moving back and forth quickly on her feet a couple of times. Being an assassin, I'm good at judging someone's next move or knowing what their plan is so her tricks don't work on me. But I think she knows that. Suddenly she runs one way, trying to go around me so I go that way to block her but damn, she's so fucking fast. She manages to slip past me and out the door, giggling loudly the whole way. I sprint after her, her running as fast as her legs will carry her all through the compound.

Finally, I corner her in the place where this all started, the living room.

"Cal, please just give up," I plead because I'm getting tired of chasing her around the whole compound.


I groan and prepare for a fight even though I have her completely cornered in the corner of the room with no escape. She looks me up and down, sending shivers down my body and my mind wanders to a different place. She catches me off guard and once again, slips past me but I snap out of my thoughts quick enough so I catch her before she can leave the living room. I grab her by wrapping my arms around her waist, holding on tightly so she can't escape. She wiggles in my arms, giggling and trying to make me release my grip.

I walk her over to the couch and toss her onto it. I climb onto her, straddling her lap. She clutches her bag of Sour Patch Kids tighter and looks up at me with fear-filled eyes.

"What're you gonna do Nat? I'm scared." She gives me the puppy dog eyes which makes me chuckle.

"You should be," I smirk at her.

I slowly lean closer to her, her cringing, even more, the closer I get. I take her by surprise and start tickling the crap out of her. She squeals and laughs uncontrollably underneath me, trying to escape and call for help that doesn't come.

"Okay okay! Nat stop, please!"

I finally give in and stop tickling her. She lays tired under me and I know I did my job.

"How do you feel?" I question her.

"Sleepy," she replies with a little yawn that melts my heart.

"Good. Do you feel like being cooperative and coming to my room?" I lean down and run my fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. You should've offered that before."

"I-" I decide against saying anything and just leave it be.

I smile down at her and give her a quick kiss on the forehead before carrying her bridal style to my room and setting us up in my bed. Soon enough, Callie crashes completely and I let myself fall asleep with her for a while.

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