🔞 NR - High School Party Pt. 2

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The strong bass of frat party music beats through the house. June dragged me to a college party. I was reluctant but she insisted by saying, "Just go. Stop being boring. Everyone who is anyone will be there." So here I am, a red Solo cup filled with vodka coke in my hand as I stand alone in the main room while June's off hooking up with some girl.

As I'm taking a sip of my drink, I hear, "Atwood!" and whip around to see my friend Kevin pushing his way through the groups of people mushed together.

"Kevin," I greet him with the classic "bro handshake".

"Figured you'd be here," he calls over the loud music.

"Had no choice. June's pushy."

"Come hang with my group!"

I agree just so I don't seem alone and out of place at a college frat party. He leads me through the people to a group in almost the middle of the main room. I recognize most of the people in it. But one face sticks out to me. A face I've grown to get to know very... up close these past few months. Natasha Romanoff. After a few minutes, she finally realizes I'm in the same group as her. We make eye contact and smiles form on both of our faces.

I watch as she makes her way over to me, gently pushing people out of the way. "Hey," she calls over the music.

"Hey." I take a sip of my drink.

"I didn't think frat parties were your thing."

"They're not," I smirk, continuing to watch people dance all up on each other around the room. "In fact, parties, in general, aren't my thing."

"Then let's leave."

I turn my head to her thinking maybe I heard her wrong. "What?" She takes my cup from my hand and finishes off the drink in one go.

"Come on." Nat takes my hand and leads me away from all the people and noise.

She drags me down the street a little where my car is parked. "How'd you know where I parked? Are you stalking me now?" I joke. We reach my car and Natasha pushes me up against the passenger door.

"I saw you come in," she breathes against my ear. One hand rubs up and down my stomach while the other holds her up by the car. My hands on the nape of her neck gently toy with her hair.

She presses her lips to the corner of my jaw while slipping her hand under my shirt, grabbing a breast over my sports bra. I let a quiet moan out into the air and Nat pulls out of my shirt.

"Bring me somewhere," she whispers.



I nod frantically and she steps away to let us climb into my car. I quickly think of a place to go and as soon as I have an idea, I drive. The second I throw my car in park in our secluded parking lot, Nat crawls over the center console, dragging me with her. In the back seat, we finish what we started.

Our lips instantly lock and I'm pushed against the door. After a moment, Nat swipes her tongue across my bottom lip, asking for permission. Wanting to be stubborn, I don't give it yet. She groans against my lips in frustration. Her hands roam my body, under my shirt to touch my skin. Her hand slips under my sports bra. When her finger flicks my nipple, I can't stop a moan into her mouth. She takes my open mouth opportunity to shoot her tongue into the kiss. The kiss tastes bitter from the alcohol but I don't mind, I like it.

She hums in content as our tongues swirl around each other. We carefully reposition so I'm on my back along the seats while kissing. I hold onto her waist as she grinds between my bent legs. She moves her lips down to my neck, sucking hard and nipping, soothing over the skin with her tongue. When she's finished leaving dark hickeys, she comes back to my lips.

Since we first hooked up a few months ago, we haven't gone further than taking off everything but undergarments. Meaning we've never had sex. It's not that I don't want to—I do—I just don't want to push anything and I know Nat feels the same. Everyone who knows about us thinks we did though. One day, we will. But today is not that day.

When we've made out until our lips are numb, Nat pulls away, both of us breathing heavily. Once sitting up under my arm, Nat checks her phone and I do the same. I have a few texts from a drunk June. Her texts are incomprehensible so I know I should get back to the party soon to make sure she isn't getting herself into trouble.

"We should probably head back. June's pretty fucked up so I don't want to leave her alone for too long," I say.

"Makes sense."

We linger for a moment. I know neither of us truly wants to go back yet. I open and close my mouth a couple of times but nothing comes out. There's so much I want to say but I don't know how to. Nat starts to get up to climb back into the passenger's seat but I stop her. She looks back at me and I know it's now or never.


"What?" She sits back down next to me.

"We've been hooking up a lot. And I love it. I do," I start.


"I don't know how you feel but I like you. Like a lot." She stays silent so I continue. "I don't know how much hooking up I can take."

Her face drops. "Oh."

"I just- I don't want to just hook up anymore." I take a deep breath. "I want more with you."

"More? What do you mean more?"

"Like"—I sigh heavily—"I want to know you. I want to have actual conversations beyond when we're hooking up next. I want to go out in public with you. I want the dates, the holding hands, the cuddling. I want everything. I don't want to just hook up."

Nat just looks at me and I have a feeling I fucked up. I knew I should've kept my mouth shut. I quickly go for the door as an escape. Unfortunately—I think—she grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that. I get it if you're done with me now. It wouldn't be anything new," I say without looking at her.

Nat gently turns my face to her but I don't dare make eye contact. "Look at me," she whispers. My eyes flick to hers. "I want those things too. It just took me a second to process. No one has really wanted more. I shouldn't have assumed the same about you. We should definitely do those things."

A smile cracks on my lips despite my mind telling it not to. "You do know that those things require eventually the official titles of 'girlfriend' and 'girlfriend', right?"

"I know." She smiles as she leans in.

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