NR - Target Acquired Pt. 1

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"How many more times are we doing this?" I ask the group of Avengers.

Ever since we got Callie back from Hydra almost a full year ago, Tony and Bruce have been running tests and simulations on her. To test her, make sure she's ready for the real world. Because of the uncertainty, she's been confined to her "room", a secure, unbreakable cylindrical area in the compound's lab. She has a normal bed (bolted down, of course) but until she's cleared, there's nothing more than a side table (also bolted down). She was recently cleared to leave her room as long as she's accompanied by someone. I wish it wasn't like this but it's for everyone's safety, including Callie's.

"If today goes well, then this could be the final time," Tony replies.

Two SHIELD agents bring Callie towards the simulator. She's handcuffed and has specialized gloves over her hands to contain her abilities in the event that she loses control. She looks tired and worn down but she doesn't fight the process. I visit her every day in her "room" and talk to her about what's going on. So she knows not to fight back unless she wants to go to a higher government prison. If that happens, then there won't be anything the Avengers or SHIELD can do for her.

Callie's handcuffs are only taken off when she reaches the testing chair. There, she sits fully upright, and the wrist and ankle restraints are secured. I walk over to her. She stares out in front of her, her face completely emotionless.

"How are you doing?" I ask.

She slowly turns her head to look at me. "Fine."

I sigh quietly. "I'm sorry. It'll be over soon. I'm right here."

Callie just nods and Tony appears on the other side of her. "This is the same type of test you've been doing. Just to recap, you'll be injected with a serum that will cause major dream-like hallucinations that we can control. You'll be put in multiple scenarios to see how you would react. We can see everything on the screen. If all goes well, this will be the final test and you'll regain permissions to ease back into the system. Sound good?"

Callie gives him the go-ahead and Bruce comes up to her, carefully injecting the dark purple serum into the side of her neck. A few seconds go by before her eyes close. We all watch her body gently jerk as the "dreams" take over her mind.

An airbase. Everyone's here. Everything's on fire. An explosion makes me jump. I whip around to a jet blowing up and engulfing everything around it in flames. I look up. Iron Man—Tony—is flying overhead, using his blasters.

Wait. I know this place. Realization hits me like a truck. A Hydra airbase. Hydra symbols anywhere that isn't on fire. Am I on a mission? No. If it were a mission, the Avengers would be attacking me and they aren't. They're fighting Hydra soldiers. So why am I here?

"Callie! Help!" A scream for my help can be heard all around me. I look around and my eyes finally set on Black Widow—Natasha—getting swarmed with soldiers and gunfire.

What do I do? Help. Yes, I help her. I run towards her. Through the chaos, I pick up the sound of a gun's trigger. My eyes dart to a soldier. In slow motion, I watch the bullet leave the barrel of his pistol. Without another thought, I generate my wisps and aim at the bullet. I catch it a few inches away from Natasha's heart. I change the bullet's direction so it hits the same man that just shot it. It kills him instantly. I help Natasha with the rest of the soldiers.

I think she's about to thank me, but we're interrupted by another jet blowing up. We turn our heads in that direction and watch the debris fall from high above. Beneath it: Hawkeye—Clint. He's in the middle of a small battle so he has yet to focus on the falling jet coming down on him. I run to him. Right before the jet's parts can impale him, I lunge through the group of Hydra soldiers, body-slamming Clint out of the way. The jet lands on top of the Hydra soldiers.

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