NR - Lazy Day (Rewrite)

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Hi! So because I'm a fucking idiot, I somehow accidentally deleted the original "Lazy Day" and I actually kind of liked that one so I wanted to rewrite it. It's obviously not the same but I tried getting it as close as I can. Sorry, it's a bit short though, it was a quick write. Hope you like it anyway:)
For once, I wake up before Nat. For a Russian spy and assassin, she sure is a heavy sleeper. Today is our weekly down day or lazy day as we call it. Everyone else is on a mission of some sort so Nat and I have the compound to ourselves. Since I wake before her, I'm on breakfast duty. Without wanting to wake my sleeping girlfriend, I ever so carefully climb out of bed and slip out of her arms that are wrapped around my waist. I trudge into the kitchen to make our classic down-day breakfast meal.

"Jarvis, play my cooking playlist," I instruct the UI as I collect the ingredients to make bacon, eggs, and toast.

Pierre by Ryn Weaver immediately starts playing and I can't help but let the good vibes flow through me. Suddenly, I'm finding myself singing and dancing around the kitchen as I cook.

"And then I found me a lover who could play the bass
She's kinda quiet, but her body ain't
Spend the days dreaming and the nights awake
Doin' things we know we shouldn't do
'Cause I wouldn't be with you..."

I sing my heart out into my makeshift microphone, which is just the spatula, obviously substituting some words to be gayer. I scurry back to the stove when the eggs and bacon start sizzling but continue singing.

"I can't let her in
You call me up and ask me how I've been
I'll call your bluff and
Keep on telling-"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a figure standing against a wall at the entrance of the kitchen. My heart stops for a brief moment and I jump, nearly knocking the pans right off the stove.

"Jesus christ Nat! Don't just stand there!" I yelp. "You know how I am when I cook," I add with a little chuckle.

"Sorry," she giggles quietly as she walks over to me. Coming up next to me, she wraps her arms around my waist and gives me a hug. "Mmm smells good baby," she comments with a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

She walks over to the other side of the stove and unwraps the bread bag, stuffing three pieces of bread into the toaster. One for me, two for her. I don't love toast all that much.

"Don't burn those," I tease.

"It's just toast Cal. It's not that hard to make."

"Says the one who burns water whenever she cooks."

Nat whips her head to me and gives me a death stare. I can't help but laugh and tease her more. "Love you, baby."

She playfully rolls her eyes at me and a little smile can be found tugging at her lips. When everything's all cooked and ready to go, I make two plates for us and lead the way back to our bedroom. We turn on the movie Aladdin, the old 1992 one, and watch it as we eat.


"What are you doing?" Nat asks as I'm grabbing my phone off the side table and opening the camera app.

"Noooothiiiing..." I giggle, positioning the camera so both of our faces are in frame. She's laying in my arms so with the arm around her neck, I pull her further into me. I kiss her cheek and she leans into it, melting in my arms.


"We're so cute," I comment on the adorable picture of me kissing my smiling girlfriend's cheek.

"I know," she yawns.

"You tired?"

"A little..."

"We can go to-" I look down at Nat and smile when I see she's already passed out in my arms. I let her sleep and barely half an hour later, I am too.

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