🔞 NR - Virgin Pt. 3

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"So, I was thinking... And we don't have to– I was just– I'm not trying to pressure you or if this is too fast–"

"Nat, relax. Slow down," I chuckle, turning in bed to face her and putting my hand on her chest.

"Sorry. I just– I don't do this very often. Well, I've never done it."

"Well, there's a first for everything. So what's up?"

"I– I really– Well, I'm actually really in love with you– Shit, that was sudden. Shit–"

"Are you trying to ask me out?" I can't help but let out a small laugh causing her cheeks to flush.

"Yeah. But if it's too fast or not what you want, I totally get it. I just–"

"I would love to go out with you," I cut her fast-talking off.

"Really? Wow, I didn't think I'd ever get this far with you. I've always liked you but I really never thought I'd get to the point where I can call you mine."

"Feels good?"

"Feels so good."

I smile and, with her permission, connect our lips.

-4 months later-

As I wash my body in the shower, I jam to some tunes so it's taking me extra long to finish up. Behind the music, I hear the door to my bedroom open and then close. I think nothing of it because the only people who ever really barge in like that are Nat and Wanda and I don't care what either of them sees. It doesn't bother me since Nat is my girlfriend and Wanda is my best friend. I continue my shower like normal. About a minute later, the door to my bathroom is being opened.

"Whoever is here, I hope you know taking a shower means I'm naked," I chuckle.

Without a word, the door of my mechanically fogged glass shower wall is slid open. I spin around, ready for anything. Unfortunately, people walking into my private spaces aren't uncommon. Because Wanda is my best friend, she's straight-up walked in on me showing just because she wanted to tell me something. Like, she opened the shower door and there I was, completely naked in front of her. Neither of us cared that I was in the shower but we laughed as she told me her news. We joke about it now but Nat has voiced her jealousy from when we weren't dating and she was mad at Wanda for a week even though no one knew Nat liked me back then.

All my arguments and laughter are shoved back down my throat when I see who's staring at me. I smirk when I watch Nat scan my body.

"Hey," I greet her.

Her eyes flick back up to mine. "Hey."

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Joining you," she smirks and I raise a brow as Nat strips and steps into the water.

I've only ever seen her naked two other times and only one of those times was sexual—the other time was because she finally got comfortable changing in front of me. Now, the warm water soaks her bare body, dripping off of her perfect curves. She holds the corners of my jaw and pulls me into her. I grab her waist and let our lips smash together. It doesn't take long for Nat to part her lips against mine, letting the water from our lips drip into the kiss.

I poke my tongue into her mouth and she lets me take the lead. We press our bodies together tightly and I gently push her against the wall. She moans into the steamy air when my lips drag across her neck. She turns her head so I take the opportunity to bite at her skin. She tightens her grip on the back of my neck when I'm soothing the hickey with my tongue.

"Are you okay?" I breathe back against her lips.

"Yes. Touch me more," she moans.

I fight a smile against her mouth and let my hands travel up her body. I grab both breasts, earning a deep groan of pleasure into my mouth. Goosebumps raise on my skin even though the water's warm. I squeeze and caress her breasts until she's moaning so much, she can't kiss me back. When she's moaning into the air around us, I use my thumb on one of her nipples to draw out more sounds with my skilled circular motions.

Eventually, Nat grabs my wrist to stop my movements. I instantly pull away from her body, hoping I didn't do anything wrong.

"What? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly.

She smiles big. "More than okay. I want more."

I briefly furrow my brows. "More how?"

"I want to have sex."

"Are you sure? That's– That's huge."

"I'm sure. I'm ready."

With a smile, I turn off the water and pull her out of the shower with me. She doesn't question me when I bring us back out into the bedroom. There, I bring us to the bed, still completely soaked. She drops onto the bed, all sprawled out—her arms above her head and legs spread and bent—ready for our first time as a couple, her first time ever. I crawl between her legs and lock our lips, instantly parting our lips.

"Are you sure? You can back out of this any time," I whisper between motions.

"I'm so ready. So sure," she whimpers.

"Okay, tell me if you want to stop. You're in charge, babe."

She whimpers in agreement so I gently trail my fingers down her body, stopping on her gut until she tells me it's okay. For the first time, I enter two fingers into her core. She moans loudly, already unable to kiss me back. I hover over her as I pump ever so slowly to let her warm up to the brand new feeling.

"How does this feel? Are you okay?"

She nods. "This feels amazing. Don't stop. Faster."

I oblige happily, being careful and gentle as I speed up my pumps into her wet center. As I fuck her, I occasionally kiss her wet body in any place I can reach my lips while keeping a steady pace with my hand. Only when she tells me to do I speed up.

"Are you okay?" I lightly moan once again. Can never be too careful.

"Fuck, it feels so–" Her praise is cut off by a high-pitched near-scream that escapes her throat due to a slip of my thumb against her clit. "Oh, don't stop!" Her back arches a little as I continue rubbing her clit in perfect circles.

Her arms remain to her sides, bunches of sheets in her clenched fists. To conceal my smiles, I lean down to kiss her chest down to between her breasts. Breathing too heavily to kiss her body anymore, I rest my forehead on her collar while my fingers slam into her. Her screams fill my ears and probably the whole compound—I obviously didn't have the time to soundproof my room before this.

I pull out when her body practically goes limp. I hover over her, both of us heaving and wet from the shower water and sweat. I smile down at her then press our lips together for a long moment before scooting off of her.

"Where you goin'?" Nat asks sleepily.

"We're soaked," I chuckle. "Better get to drying." I toss a towel at her then take one for myself.

I dry my body and throw on an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants and I turn back to Nat who, thankfully, has finished drying herself. I toss her some of my clothes so she can get dressed. When she's no longer naked, I crawl back on top of her and smile down at her. Her hands find my jaw and hold me in place.

"You're really beautiful," I breathe.

Her cheeks flush and I can do nothing but lean down and press our lips together. When our lips slowly part, I gaze lovingly at my girlfriend.

"Thank you for an amazing first time," Nat purrs.

"Thank you for choosing me."

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