NR - Girls' Night

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Tiny A/N at the bottom:)
"Would you hurry up? Everyone's probably waiting for us!" My girlfriend urges.

"If you want me to look presentable, give me a minute," I giggle in response.

"Fine, then it's on you when they ask why we were late."

"Fine," I smirk.


I finish up putting on my makeup then happily get up. "See? Now was that so hard?" I tease her.


"Oh stop." I roll my eyes with a small smirk and step up to Nat, grabbing her ass and pulling her into me. She hums against my lips but quickly pushes me off.

"Aye! No! You're trying to distract me and I won't allow it. Let's go." She takes my hand and drags me out of the compound where we're met by Pepper, Wanda, Maria, and Carol.

"Hey guys," Carol greets us first.

"What took you so long?" Wanda smirks.

I look at Nat and she gestures for me to come up with an explanation. "A quick fu-"

"Okay, time to go!" Nat quickly cuts me off with her arm around my waist, already ushering the group outside.

We all climb into the slick black Chevy Suburban, Pepper in the driver's seat since she agreed to be the designated driver. Nat sits in the passenger's seat, Maria and Carol right behind them, and I'm in the very back with Wanda, already giggling to ourselves. Wanda snuck a flask into the car, despite both Natasha and Pepper telling her not to so Wands and I get pre-drunk on our way to the club.

"You two better not be drinking back there," Natasha tells us.

"Especially after we said not before clubbing," Pepper adds.

"Woah, absolutely not!" Wanda giggles.

"I would never," I agree, leaning over and resting my head on Wanda's shoulder for the rest of the car ride.


The second the car is put in park, I whip my head up and Wanda and I scramble out of the car. We laugh by the hood of the car until Nat and Pepper walk past us to lead the group into the nightclub. A man in a fancy suit checks our IDs before allowing us inside. The music inside is blasting so loud, I can barely hear my own thoughts. Our group makes its way to the bar to order some drinks to start our girls' night.

"'Sup sweetheart," a strange man greets me as I stand at the bar on the edge of my group. I just look at him so he starts talking again. "Let me buy you a drink," he tries, stepping closer to me.

"No, thank you. I have a girl-"

"I don't see her."

"Now you do," Natasha cuts him off, taking my jaw in her hand and kissing me passionately until the man scoffs and walks away.

When the six of us have our drinks, we find an open fancy sofa to sit on and laugh amongst ourselves. I sit between Pepper and Natasha, under Nat's arm of course. By now, I've had probably one too many drinks, adding in the secret sips from the car ride.

"Hey babe," I drunkenly turn to my girlfriend. She turns to me with a smile. "Do you think we'll still be having sex when we're 90?" I slur loudly.

"Oh god, I hope not," she laughs.

I gasp dramatically with a hand over my heart. "Why? Will you not love me enough?"

"No, that's not it. I just- Do you really think that'll be- I don't-" She stutters over her words but I just finish her thoughts for her.

"You're right. That's not hot."

"You said it, not me," she chuckles, rubbing my chest with her hand.

Suddenly, I jump out of my seat, confusing my group. Nat looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows as I sway in front of her. "Can we dance? I wanna dance. Someone dance with me," I tell the group.

They all exchange looks.

"She's your girlfriend," Pepper shrugs with a smile.

"Your girl, your responsibility," Maria laughs in agreement.

Nat mumbles something to them that I can't hear before getting up and letting me drag her to the dance floor. Under the bright LED lights of different colors, I turn my back to her and press against her, reaching behind me to tangle my hands in her hair. She rests her hands on my hips as we start dancing all up on each other, our bodies moving against one another. We dance to the beat of the upbeat pop music blasting in the background.

Natasha's hands find their way to my bare stomach under the line of my tiny crop top tank top, sending shivers through my body. I tilt my head back as she places a few gentle kisses on the corner of my jaw. Wanting more, I spin in her arms and grab the back of her neck. A purple LED light flashes over her face, briefly showing her gorgeous grin. I pull her lips to mine and kiss her until she pulls away.

We stand with each other for a few minutes, just staring at the other as different colors briefly show our faces. Finally, she takes my hand and brings us back to our friends. We plop down in the same seats as before.

"Have fun?" Carol asks us.

"Definitely," I smile. "Time to get wasted," I groan, earning laughter from my friends.

One shot leads to two, two to four, and so on. Soon enough, I'm completely gone. Wanda and Carol are just about as wasted as me while Nat, Maria, and Pepper and being more responsible.

"Do you think if a taxi driver drove backward, he'd actually owe us money?" Wanda asks.

"Wait, that makes sense!" Carol drunkenly shouts.

"I wish there were a nightclub you could wear slippers in," I butt in, totally disregarding their conversation and looking down at my feet.

"Ooo, I like your shoes!" Wanda squeals.

I perk up immediately. "Thank you! I like your face," I giggle.

Suddenly, I feel strong arms being wrapped around my waist and lips on my cheek. I fall into the back of the couch and look up at Nat, now hovering over me.

"I think you've had one too many shots, my dear," she says as she very slowly leans towards me.

"Nooooo! I'm fine," I whine, reaching up to rest my weak hands on the nape of her neck.

"Let's test that theory." She leans away from me but stays hovering. "Kiss me," she instructs.

With a confident smirk, I attempt to pull her into me to cheat the system but she doesn't budge. She smiles down at me and her eyes flick to my lips. I attempt to lift my head to her but I'm too wasted to even do that so my head falls.

"Busted," she breathes. I pout under her until she stops hovering.

After a while, Nat announces that I'm too far gone to stay and we should all head home, so we do.


Not being able to walk on her own, I walk Cal into the compound with an arm around her to hold her up. She trips over herself the whole way to my room where I sit her on my bed. Being completely gone, she drops back immediately. After changing my own clothes, I climb into bed next to her but she weakly and quickly scrambles away. I look at her confused.

"I'm sorry, I can't sleep with you. I have a girlfriend," she tells me frantically.

I raise my eyebrows and let out a laugh. "Well, it's nice to see that you're loyal even when completely wasted."

She furrows her eyebrows so much, they're almost touching.

"Well, do you believe in cuddling as friends until you see your girlfriend?" I ask, deciding to play along.

"I guess..." She hesitantly comes back and turns in the sheets to let me hold her close. Her soft breaths tell me she fell asleep so I dig my face into her and do the same.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. Thank you for 100k reads! That's unbelievable! Thank you thank you thank you:))))

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