Vertigo Movie Premiere

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After so long of filming for my solo movie, Vertigo: Hydra's Greatest Weapon, it's finally coming out! I have worked my ass off and I am so incredibly proud of it. Today is the Vertigo movie premiere and I'm beyond excited since this is my movie after all. I pulled some strings to allow my best friend, June, to come. It was difficult but because Chris Hemsworth's wife couldn't come, I arranged for him and June to walk together. I'll be going with Chris Evans again, not that I'm complaining.

June and I share a large suite in LA to get ready for the red carpet. I'm put in a tight elegant maroon dress that goes long past my feet and drags behind me a bit. June's put in a flowy white dress that just reaches the floor. My artists put a beautiful full face of makeup on both of us. To finish off our looks, we put on our heels and shining diamond necklaces and earrings.

"Wow. You are- You're so pretty, Cal," June says to me when we're about to leave.

"Thank you but have you even seen yourself?"

"No, stop it." She pauses for a moment, just staring at me. "I'm so proud of you." She finally takes my hands in hers and smiles up at me.

"What for?"

"All of this. Look at this. Look where you are. I remember your audition and the day you got the call. I knew you'd make it big. I'm so happy I'm able to watch you grow and experience all these amazing things with you. I am so proud of everything you've done and will do," she gushes, squeezing my hands lightly.

"I love you so much." I pull her into a tight hug before we have to leave the suite to meet our dates for the premiere.

The whole ride to the red carpet, Chris Evans watches me shake profusely. "Callie, you okay?" He finally asks.

"Oh yeah. Definitely."

"You've done this before."

"Okay yeah but this is the Vertigo movie premiere. This is my movie's premiere. That's so big!" I laugh because of how scared I am.

Chris places his gentle hands on mine in my lap. "Hey, you'll do great. You always do. I'm right here with you."

I just smile and nod since we're already coming to a stop in front of the red carpet. Just like the first one, the door barely cracks open and cheers can already be heard. Chris walks around to my side and I immediately wrap a hand around his bent right arm. He smiles down at me to ask if I'm ready so I smile up to tell him yes. I strut with Chris with a huge smile plastered on my face.

On our walk, we're stopped by photographers and press people who ask questions and shove microphones in our faces. It's incredibly annoying at times but we're obviously polite about it. My face is already starting to ache from all of the smiling I've been doing and we've only been walking for a few long minutes. Far behind us, I can hear people calling for Hemsworth and June. I can practically see June in my mind, blushing like crazy from being Hemsworth's date for the night and the press and photographers asking for her picture, since she's my best friend and the world knows that.

We're so close to the first real stop when out of everyone in the crowds, three faces pop out to me. I recognize them to be the same three girls from the Avengers movie premiere who were screaming my name. They're all staring at me and when I look over at them and make eye contact with a sweet smile, they flip their shit. Probably because for once, they weren't screaming to get my attention.

"I saw those girls again," I tell Chris as we're walking up to the large backdrop with the Vertigo movie logo all over it.

"What girls?" He asks in between smiling at cameras.

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