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A/N:i hope you will all enjoy today's chapter and also there will be some OC in the story and this is a scene of what battle occurred in the Pacific the continuation of the chapter 3 will be in the next chapter.
(Previously in The Anomaly)

Purifier:wait what the hell are those!?

Purifier asked in shock along with other sirens.

Observer then felt the same thing she felt 2 years ago.

Observer:no it can't be.

Observer said in complete uther disbelief not believing that out of all the time she was searching for him he has now appeared before them.
(Currently) (3rd POV)

(Pacific Ocean when Y/N launch the attack)

In the Pacific large fleet of japanese and American ships could be seen sailing towards Hawaii.

And in the Akagi class Carrier on the main bridge we could see Admiral Yamamoto looking over the sea.

After the meeting with the other leaders they have decided that Japan and America will be joining forces of repelling all Siren fleet across the Pacific ocean.

The decision was made by Admiral Yamamoto and Admiral Nimitz as the European countries will be the who will Repel the Sirens in the Atlantic Ocean.

Yamamoto was still worried though about if they will be able to Repel the Siren by joining forces.

Currently he is with Admiral Nimitz second in command as both are heading to Pearl Harber in order to defend it as it is I vital strategic point for them and refuel there.

From what Yamamoto has heard they have heavily fortified Peal Harbor mfking the island into a fortress with thousands of coastal artillery being builted.

The houses there were barricaded and underground bunkers were built.

For the people that live in Hawaii they have enough food supply and ammunition to last for more than 2-3 months if the Sirens attack them relentlessly but if they don't attack relentlessly Yamamoto was sure there ammunition could last for more than 6 months.

However it is not sure if it is enough to be able to Repel the Sirens fleet that is heading towards the US mainland.

It's even possible that pearl harbor will fall if it has no air support but even if there is air support it will only hold the Sirens for not that long and Pearl Harbor will eventually fall.

Yamamoto sighed heavily and he is hoping that they might able to find a way to Repel the Sirens and reclaim the sea again.

Currently they have more than 80 ships following them to Pearl Harbor.

Yamamoto:war really those never change no matter what era humanity is.

Just then a Japanese naval officer appered infront of him.

????1:Sir we are almost near pearl harbor.

Yamamoto: alright well you can inform all the crew to take a rest fro now but be on guard understand.

????1:yes Admiral.

The Japanese naval officer bow before leaving.

And another naval officer came behind Yamamoto.

????2:is there something troubling you Yamamoto?

Ask the naval officer as Yamamoto just smiled at this.

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