Chapter 31

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A/N here is the next chapter hope you will all enjoy also I heard that the Russian event in Azur lane is out now and a new Northern Parliament ships too named Sovetskaya Rossiya.

Hornet:I don't get why were we in a rush?

As if on cue she got her answer by a massive mushroom cloud appearing aways from the islands.

Y/N/Belfast/Enterprise:that the reason Hornet.

Y/N, Belfast, and Enterprise said in unison as it made the others jaws drop to the ground.

(3rd POV)

The sum was shining as it was 6:00 Am in the morning and 1 hours after the battle everyone was enjoying on the Carriers as they were now heading straight back to base.

The fleet Y/N have brought have separated from Azur Lane fleet as Y/N ordered them to head and guard the waters near Azur Lane.

In Enterprise Carrier we could see Y/N sitting on top of the command deck looking into the ocean.

Y/N:*sigh* that battle was tiring atlead I can get to rest know.

Y/N said as he sat on the metal wall of the command deck.

Y/N:haven't taken some sleep for a few hours, maybe I should take some sleep.

Y/N said as he closed his eyes and drifted to sleep it felt like an hour he slept until he woke up by the sound of Enterprise calling his name.

Enterprise: big brother where are you?

Enterprise called as Y/N opened his eyes and look down to see Enterprise looking for him.

Y/N:I'm up here.

Enterprise looked up to see Y/N on top of the command bridge.

Enterprise: there you are I've been looking everywhere for you.

Y/N:need something Enty?

Enterprise blush at the nickname her brother or husband now although they are not yet married it doesn't really matter to them.

Enterprise:Hornet and the others are waiting for you to come join and eat breakfast.

Y/N:isnt early for us to have breakfast I thought you all have ate after we left the base?

Enterprise:well we only ate a little as we were in hurry.

Y/N:no thanks I'm not hungry yet.

Y/N decline but Enterprise showed a look that beg h to join.

Enterprise: come on please join us?

Y/N:*sigh*ok fine.

Y/N said while sighing as he jump down and landed infront of Enterprise.

As the two went go join the others who were on Hornet Carrier they soon arrived and see the others enjoying themselves eating.

Y/N:they seem to be enjoying themselves?

Y/N commented before he followed Enterprise.

Hornet noticed them walking towards them.

Hornet:big brother glad you could join us.

Hornet said as she took a bite of stake from her plate as Y/N and Enterprise sat and joined them.

Y/N took a piece of stake and coffee to drink.

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