Chapter 155(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: hey everyone just to inform you all that I am sorry if there are some misspelling on some of my chapters due to my keyboard sometime give the wrong letters I type today all of you can inform of any chapter that has some sentences and spelling that needs to be fixed anyway here is the next chapter all of you enjoy.

Solomon: so we will have to fix this by going to war then.

Solomon said as Y/N nodded at this as they all stand infront of Y/N.

Y/N: yes and let operation Dies Iraes begin.

Y/N said as the Final War of the plane of Gaia has begun.


After the meeting all of them began to prepare all troops to the Orion Class Assault Carrier Ships.

There is more than 21 of the carrier all within the beast a mostly each carry over more than 3.9 million troops.

With Artoria, Gilgamesh, and Jalter army all in one of the the assault carriers.

All are preparing to launch themselves to the Holy Roman Empire.

With over more than 78 Billion troops preparing themselves to be launch towards the Holy Roman Empire.

All are now entering the carriers were they are all lining themselves within the Carriers.

Y/N an the others have came to an agreement where they  will split into 3 groups.

With Y/N he is going to join with Jalter, Scathach, Astolfi, and Da Vinci.

Since Jalter is a cousin to the Empress of the Holy Roman Empire they are going to help.

Y/N will be in control of the Axis Division with over more than 1 Trillion troops on his command

The other group is Walter and Rose will be in charge of the Eagle Division where they will be joining with Artoria, Mordred, Lancelot, and the other knights of the round table.

There mission is to handle the enemy that will arrive in the northern-west border of the Holy Roman Empire.

While Iron Star Division will be in command of Natasha and Alexandria they will be joined with Gilgamesh, Siduri, Enkindu, Semiramis, Tiamat, Fou, Solomon, and Erishkigal.

They are to handle the enemy with the South-west borders of the Holy Roman Empire.

The first batch of troops they have will be the first to repel the enemy attack.

Not to mention the still have a huge number of undead that they needed to take care off.

Possibility of also seeing various undead when arriving at the Holy Roman Empire is a huge possibility as well.

All spies within thf Moragan Empire all have been ordered a retreat since they were all discovered not to long.

Since Rianna has been suspicious as to why her army is decreasing.

And when she found out the whole spies sended on her land have already escape.

While also dealing huge damage to the army with the undead decrease to 500 billion.

As this seem to have angered Rianna as she has now made more undead at her disposal.

With a total number of more than 1 Trillion but still outnumbered by the Celestial army.

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