Chapter 170 (Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

As they all speak on how suitable each other they are as a certain noble was now having a furious look on his face.

As he hides behind one of the pillars and silently clench his fist when he saw them.

As blood was starting to drip out of his hand and dropping to the grass he is standing on.


The two are lost in there own world as they continue to kiss one another.

The surrounding people were rather shock or flabbergasted on seeing them both kissing each other.

One could not possibly expect that this would have happen.

But now they could only look at the two in silence not daring to even disturb the two.

Anv it wasn't long when the seperated that made the other nobles all snap out if there shock state.

As they all continue there is business while talking about the possibility of the two marrying.

The chances of anyone even be able to marry Nero now will be zero.

Especially a certain Duke who is gritting his teeth to the side.

All continue to do there own thing the music constantly continue to play and changes every 20 minutes.

The others are talking to each other while constantly looking at the two.

The two look at each other as Nero could only blush at the action she made towards Y/N.

Y/N: I didn't know you would do so such bold action infront of everybody.

Y/N said with a smirk on his face as Nero could only giggle at this.

Nero: it just say that I am yours.

Nero said with a smile on her face as she look to the side and see Welton gritting his teeth.

As she gave a smirk at him making Welton grew a scowl on his face.

As his hatred towards Y/N could only grew mpre than ever before.

And he was only holding to wait for an opportunity to kill him.

If he even have the chance to kill Y/N the chances would be that of him killing Y/N is absolutely zero.

Y/N: oh really then I'll just have to make sure no one will take you away from me then.

Y/N said as he continue to dance with Nero as they enjoy the night while it is still young.

Meanwhile with the other Walter could only chuckle at this as he was surprise that Nero would make such a move towards Y/N.

Jalter: oh my never knew Nero would be so bold to kiss Y/N right infront of everybody.

Jalter said as she was both surprise and happy for Nero.

Rose: well one thing I could safely say is that those are enjoying each other company very much.

Rose said as she was holding a piece of slice cake on her hand.

Walter: but still isn't there some nobles the would oppose on them?

Walter asked as he turn to look at Jalter who gave him a I don't care look on her face.

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