Chapter 68

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A/N:here is the next chapter please all of you enjoy.

Cleveland:you gotta be kidding me that's why you two were late!?

Cleveland asked towards Y/N who only raised his eyebrows at this.

Hornet:what do you mean Cleveland?

Wales:the reason why they are late is the two had fun with each other.

Wales said with a smirk on her face as we could see Monarch now fainted on the couch due to too much embarrassment.

Enterprise and the others were surprised at this as they all look at Y/N.


Y/N asked with a confuse look on his face as the others just gave him a are you serious look.

Enterprise:really big brother just how many girls are you going to claim.

Enterprise asked with a smirk on her face.

Hornet:seriously big brother that was your reason you arrive here late.

Hornet said with a shock and jealous look on her face.

Yorktown:aaww is my little jealous?

Yorktown teasing ask as this in turn made Hornet blush and look away from Yorktown.

Hornet: oh just shut up sis I'm not jealous.

Hornet said while pouting cutely as this made Yorktown giggle at her sister cute behaviour.

Yorktown: are you sure about that cause your face looks like it is saying your jealous.

Yorktown said as she smirk when she see her sister glare at her.

Hornet:one more word and I'm going to put a tape on your mouth big sis.

Hornet said while glaring at Yorktown who just rolled her eye at this.

Yorktown:go ahead and try my dear sister because in the end you'll be the one who will get covered by tape.

Yorktown said with a smirk as Hornet looks like she was about to break something.

Hornet:you know never mind.

Hornet grumbly said as she looks away from Yorktown.

Vestal:ok should we be talking about something important here.

Vestal said as the others nodded in agreement about this.

Y/N:so can anyone tell me why we all have been called here.

Y/N asked as he took a sip from his glass of wine.

Wales:well were here because it is to decide who will be coming with us.

Wales said as she pick a cup of blue moon tea and took a sip on her cup as she relaxed from the effects of the tea.

Y/N:well we should take half of the ships and the other half  would be staying here to defend the base.

Y/N said as the all nodded at this.

Wales:should we split into 2 groups?

Wales asked as Y/N nodded at this as he spoke.

Y/N:yes that would be a good idea.

Y/N said as he look at Warspite and then spoke.

Y/N:and any news about Sakura Empire

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