Chapter 42

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A/N:here is the next chapter you'll all been waiting for please all of enjoy.

N:your performance is spectacular Hornet.

Y/N said as Hornet blush at his complement.

Y/N:so who is going to be next?

Y/N asked everyone as they all looked at Y/N before Cleveland and her sisters raised there hands.

Y/N:alright you four go into the simulation room then.

Y/N said as the four summon there riggings and head to the simulation room to test there new gained power.

Y/N active it again but this time as the surrounding change they were in three large islands on the middle of it.

And various smaller islands nearby and some rocky ones as well.

Columbia: wow that was so cool.

Columbia said with stars in her eyes as the others were also amazed by this.

Y/N:the first we will test is you firepower and the second will be your aviation get yourself ready girls.

Y/N said as the girls ready themselves as they look towards Y/N and nodded as Y/N nods back in understanding.

Y/N:alright begin simulation.

Y/N said as several Siren ships appeared out in all directions.

Cleveland: girls let's split Ill take the one on the north.

Denver:I'll take the one in South.

Columbia: I'll take care of the West.

Montpelier: I'll handle the east.

Cleveland: good let's show them the strength of the knightmare of the sea.

Columbia/Denver/Montpelier: right.

All  of them split up and went to different to different with Cleveland she saw several Siren Battleships appearing.

Cleveland: alright time for you all to turn into scrap go to the junkyard.

Cleveland said as she crack her knuckles and then aimed her cannons towards the Siren Battleship.

A beam of blue light went straight to one of the Siren Battleship as it piece through it and destroyed two more.

Cleveland then blackflip dodging a salvo that was about to hit her and then fired again.

Destroying a much larger siren battlship that tried to fired a salvo again.

Cleveland: take this.

Cleveland said as she fired a torpedo towards another Battleship as the attack hit its target.

The torpedo turn into a small blackhole that suck the battlship and ripping to shreds inside before explodding and destroying the Battleship.

Cleveland:I wish I had a sword to.

Cleveland said but as if in cue a sword appeared on her hands that looks like a  1800 century sword of the US during the Napoleonic War.

The blade sharp edges was colored blue but the none sharp edges of the sword was made of gold.

Cleveland: what the big brother what is this?

Cleveland asked toward Y/N as she shows the sword.

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