Chapter 101(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the chapter next all of you been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Morded:bring him in.

Morded ordered with a cold gone to it that send shiver down the captain spines.

As he knew that the princess must be very angry as he look at Dezirem who is still knocked out.

As they says hell had had no fury like a woman scorn and looks like Dezirem is about to get one.

As Tyler then exhaled for a few second before looking at his men as he gestured them to bring him in.

As he pulls the door opened and he could feel a huge amount of killing intent being aimed towards Dezirem.

Who is still unconscious and hts hands is tied by some ropes preventing him from escaping

As the knights opened the door they could feel the immense killing intent that is being directed towards the unconscious Dezirem.

One could say that the princess is extremely piss right now and provoking her would only make it worse.

So they silently just drag him inside without speaking as to not make Mordred than she is right now.

As they then entered the room Mordred looks like she was about to slice the unconscious pirate.

But Merlin and Lancelot where holding onto her arms preventing her from even leaving where she seating on.

And with Rose we could see her gesturing the commander that was sitting besides.

Rose leaned on his right ear and whispered something to him.

Rose:prepare some of your men to interrogate him.

Wilhelm:but what if he doesn't speak?

Wilhelm whispered back to Rose wo grew a smirk on her face.

Rose:then give him to Evelin she knows what to do.

Rose said as Wilhelm eyes widen at this as he knows who Evelin is.

She is the most dangerous and scary head of the torture and interrogation unit of the Eagle Division.

One thing for sure by the time someone is going to be interrogated by her the would be completely broken beyond repair.

The will be nothing more than a shell of there once pass selves no longer to feel any sorts of emotion.

They will become a mindless being with no purpose but to listen to anyone order without even asking a question.

In other words they will become like a very loyal robot that would follow your orders without question.

Wilhelm:as you wish Grand Admiral.

Wilhelm said as he stand back up straight and look towards the unconscious pirate infront of them.

He could clearly see that the princess is extremely angry just from the immense killing intent being directed at the unconscious pirate.

But even then this is mere child's play comparing that to the Emperor who even a small amount of killing intent from him.

Could kill a person from just the gaze of the Emperor he could clearly remember what Y/N did when he was assisting him on the battle in on another dimension.

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