Chapter 148(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Walter: as much I want to explain on what happened to boy, Morded we need to bring him to the infirmary.

Walter said as Mordred nodded as they all then went inside the castle and ran to the Infirmary.

As they hurry to get the boy treated as Y/N tell Rose to interrogate the assasin with Gawain following Rose as she leads her to the dungeon where they will interrogate the assasin.


It has been more than 20 minutes since Y/N and the others have brought the boy to the Infirmary.

Thanks to the medical team that are here in Camelot since Walter and Rose have sended several medical teams to cure people from severe illness here.

Which Artoria was happy as she have thank the tw and also thought them some cures for the most deadliest disease they have.

As this made the all the doctors with Camelot to be happy to hear about this.

As they gladly accept the cures from them and duplicated it.

When the medical team have been healing the unconscious boy inside the Infirmary.

As Y/N and the others waited outside the medical room that has been modified a bit.

There was now a glass window for them to see what the doctors and nurses are doing.

Merlin was also inside the Infirmary to make sure the boy has no problem on his magic nerve system.

As it could be very fatal for the boy if his magic nerve system to be damaged as it will decrease the healing of his body.

And might also crippled him on using any type of magic.

Which is a nightmare to anyone within Gaia for there magic nerve to be crippled and won't be able to use it again.

But luckily the doctors are huge expert on fixing the boys magic nerve system if it gets damage.

Y/N and the others are watching outside as they all observe the doctors along with Merlin and Da Vinci who is helping them.

Mordred: what exactly happened to the poor boy?

Mordred said as she look at the boy with a sad look on seeing the start of the boy when they saw him.

Even though the wounds were all healed his clothes were all dirtied by either mud.

But that's not all the boy look extremely exhausted and looks like he hasn't even able to eat for 2 days.

Walter: we just found him falling infront of the car with a wound on his arm.

Walter explained as he stand beside Y/N with Lancelot who is right beside him.

Y/N: the boy seemed to have been chased by an assassin and from the looks of it someone wants him dead.

Y/N said as holds Mordred left hand as the girl was blushing a bit at this.

But she didn't mind it as Artoria on the other hand who arrive 5 minutes ago can't help to be jealous on seeing her daughter being very close to Y/N

As she was blushing a bit also when she saw Y/N and she can't help to qat and have Y/N hold her also.

Of course was aware of this as he holds onto Artoria right arm as this caused the woma to blush.

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