Chapter 47

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A/N:here is the next chapter this one will be different than the others so please enjoy it I will also have a different one on the next chapter.

As the attack hits the Battleship and immediately destroying the Battleship and the whole planet was envelop by the explosion before explodding.

As Sheffield and Edinburgh could be seen floating in space as Belfast opened a door of her ship and let the two inside her ship.

Y/N:the three of them have good results on there test only the four are left I should make there test interesting.

Y/N said as he walks towards the console and began changing some thing to the simulation.

Yorktown: your going to make there test a little bit challenging aren't you Big brother?

Yorktown asked as she saw her brother smirking at this.

Y/N:well you are right since Wales and Illustrious are going to face a much stronger enemy.

Y/N said as several unkown ships appeared a 200 miles away from Wales and Illustrious.

Enterprise:hey big brother can I ask you something?

Y/N:what is it Enterprise?

Enterprise: well can we battle you instead when it's are turn.

Y/N:well of course I would like to test what you two can do.

Y/N said as Enterprise cheered along with Yorktown as the others muttered on how lucky they were.

In the ice planet we could see Wales and Illustrious standing on an Iceberg with winter coats.

Illustrious: why are we in such a cold place?

Illustrious asked as she try to find the enemies but couldn't due to the snowstorm.

Wales:probably Lord Y/N wants to improve are skills.

Wales said as she holds to her new sword given by her retrofit.

illustrious: by would Lord Y/N sends us to this kind of planet.

Wales:that I do not know.

Wales said as she slides down the iceberg as Illustrious followed her.

As they lands on the snow below the as the snowstorm weakens.

Making them see more clearly until they have seen an incoming green light heading towards her.

Wales:Illustrious look out!

Wales warned as Illustrious saw the beam heading towards her as she summons Holy Requiem.

Wales warned as Illustrious saw the beam heading towards her as she summons Holy Requiem

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