Chapter 118(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:her is the next chapter you al been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Merlin: well you are right about that I also said the same thing once in the council.

Mordred: yeah I remember about the Duke of the House Sindel oppose to your suggestion.

Merlin: well you are right about that but at least many listen to my suggestion as it gave us some time to Repel many army of Morgana that tried to invade the border.

Merlin said as a man of high ranking came walking towards them.

Morded and Merlin look to see a man in military suit but it looks more like that of a scientist.

????: Rose glad to see that you have brought our guest.

The man said his hair was white with him being 2.0 meters tall and he was carrying what seems to be a meta book.

To Merlin and Morded as they look at the Holo pad that the man was holding.

Rose: it's good to see you as well big brother Ainz.

Rose said as she hug the man named Ainz who is actually her older brother.

An also the head of the Magic and Technology Research Division.

He is known to be a prodigy that said to only appear every once in a trillion years.

And they are absolutely right about that he is known to be only second to the Emperor of being Intelligent.

Even then he has brought dozens of benefits to the Empire.

He is also the Grand Strategist of the epire when they go to war.

But since he si rarely called for assisting on any war.

He usually can be found in one of the most heavily defended Multiverse which is a complete secret to anyone.

As the Multiverse that he controls is a huge research division were all current technology and study if magic are coming from.

Over more than 75% of the technology an magic comes from the research made by Ainz along with her Wife and rest of her friends and colleagues.

Who have developed various weapons and other stuff for the Empire every year.

And yes he is actually married now and has two children who are prodigy just like there Father.

Currently they re still in elementary school grade but is homeschooled until the became 8 where Ainz decided that they needed to make friends with others.

And it work out well as his children have made several friends who were all quite unique.

And the most youngest prodigy at the current ear they were in.

His children was one a bit and the other was a girl.

His son which is Nathan is a prodigy in researching and creating various Technology.

While her twin sister was a prodigy in magic being able to create various spell and other types of magic.

Was a huge benefit for the Empire even Y/N himself was impress by the two.

And you would be surprise that they were so happy when they heard that even the Emperor that they idolize.

Praise them the two wouldn't stop taking about it.

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