Chapter 45

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all have been waiting and enjoy todays chapter.

Y/N:ok who is going next?

Y/N asked as the Royal Navy raised her hands as Y/N nodded at this.

Y/N:alright all of you girls head to the simulation room then.

The Royal Navy nodded at this as they all head to the simulation room to ready for the test they are going to have.

As the Royal Navy all went go the simulation room with there riggings except Warspite who has already tested hers.

As they walked down to the simulation room they immidietly activate there riggings.

As the soon arrive at the simulation room Y/N then spoke.

Y/N:the simulation will begin in a few minutes all of you will be in a separate planet 2 on each planet.

Y/N said as the Royal Navy nodded at this and waited for the simulation to start.

Hood: are you alright your majesty?

Hood ask as she noticed Queen Elizabeth having a nervous look on her face.

Queen Elizabeth:yes I am fine just nervous on what the my results will be later when the test is finnish.

Belfast: you shouldn't get nervous your majesty you or won't be able to concentrate on the battle.

Belfast said as Queen Elizabeth nodded at this as she calm herself down.

Queen Elizabeth: your right Belfast I shouldn't be nervous.

Queen Elizabeth said as she calms down and doesn't feel nervous anymore.

Prince of Wales: looks like the simulation is about to begin.

Prince of Wales said as she saw a timer above them and see that they only have 45 seconds left.

Edinburgh: are you going to be okay Belfast?

Belfast: you don't have to worry about me Edinburgh I will be fine.

Sheffield: the simulation is about to begin.

Sheffield said as everyone ready themselves.

Y/N:the simulation shall now begin in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1.

Y/N said as he press the button and the simulation room began to change as they all got seperated on different planets.

With Belfast we could see her all by herself due to only them being seven she is the only one without a partner.

Y/N:Belfast your going by yourself since there were only seven of you.

Y/N said as Belfast just nodded at this as she ready her gauntlets.

Belfast: it is alright my lord I can handle myself.

Belfast said as she then summon a weapon that is part of her retrofit.

As her gaunlets change and now has a 2 feet blade on the tip of her Gaunlet with a two cannons on each sides of each of Belfast Gaunlet.

Y/N:prepare for Firepower and Aviation test Belfast.

Y/N said as Belfast nodded at this and 3000 Sirens ships appeared 15 miles away from Belfast.

Belfast aimed her dark matter Railguns towards a squadron of Siren bombers.

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