Chapter 185(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Meanwhile with Artoria we could see her passing through several demons as they did not sense her sword.

Thanks to the aura of her sword being concealed by her shadow form.

As she slid through a door and immediately saw a massive door

Artoria: I hope my sister is inside here.

Artoria said as she look at the giant door that is right infront if her.

Artoria was now standing right infront of a giant door.

However this seem to be different from the other doors tha she has seen as it has different design on it.

The door where the black Stone and the fake one.

Should have a black door with demonic symbols on it.

While this one has a symbol of a moon an the door is made of Orichalcum and Mithril.

Making less stronger than a nether door that protects the black Stone and it fake replica.

However this has attracted Artoria attention as she walk closer to it

There is no one tha guards the door which made Artoria suspicious.

On why there is no one guarding and perhaps there is more to what is inside the door itself.

But she I not sure whether to go in side or just leave it there.

As it might be a trap that could harm her.

But do to her curiosity she move closer to the door as she gets closer to it.

Artoria: this is very suspicious why are there no guards or any demon.

Artoria said as she look around suspiciously.

As she cannot sense anyone even her sword could not tell tha there is someone here.

Excalibur glow a bit as if sensing someone is inside the door itself.

Artoria: you sense someone Excalibur?

Artoria asked her sword a it made a light glow indicated that it did sense someone.

Artoria: where do you sense him or her?

Artoria asked as she put up her guard so no one could catch her by surprise.

The sword glow and fired a beam of light at the door as it pointed at it.

Artoria: someone is inside huh hope that is my sister.

Artoria said as she walk to the door but she does not see any way to open it.

Artoria: the door is completely lock and only be open in the inside what would do if I were Y/N?

Artoria asked to herself as she thought of a way to get out the door open.

Artoria: oh I just know the thing.

Artoria said as she had an idea on how to open the door.

Meanwhile at the other side of the door everything seem to be quite.

There is barely any light inside it and a barrier suddenly surrounds the whole place outside the room.

As the door suddenly burst open and made the door to fly into the walls of the room.

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