Chapter 184(Special Event:When Fantsay Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Walter:everyone attack!!!

Walter said as he unsheathed his sword along with Lancelot as they all charge at Rianna and her army.

Rianna: destroy them all

Rianna said as her army then charge towards Walter and the others.

As the will try to distract Rianna as long as they can.


As they were all busy with distracting Rianna and her forces.

Back with Y/N we could see him and Artoria along with his students.

Are all appearing right infront of the destroyed city as the artillery all began to concentrate there attak on Rianna forces.

As Y/N and the others would be able to enter the city now since there is only 5 billion demons guarding underground.

Nebula: woah this whole place for seriously wrecked I thought they could survive even if we barrage them with many shells.

Nebula said as she kick some pile of Nether steel and had a disappointed look on her face.

as there was dozens all scattered around the now destroyed city.

Cosmo: well we did have more than 500 thousands cannons all firing on the city.

Cosmo added as Astral agree with him as they look around and found the castle.

Neo: Papa look there is the door to the castle dungeon.

Neo pointed as she showed a large trap door that is heavily damage.

Probably due to the fact that the whole explosion must have heavily damage it greatly.

Y/N: good job Neo now everyone listen up there are 8 blak stone below one of them is real and the rest is fag we will all split up and find which one is real am I clear.

Y/N said as his student and daughter nodded at this.

Artoria: are you sure they will be fun without us?

Artoria asked as Y/N smile at this an gave her a nod.

Nebula: relax Empress Artoria we have fought billion of Dragon this demon are merely ants compare to the monsters we have all face.

Nebula said as Artoria could only nod at this as even she isn't capable of fighting off that number of Dragon.

But she cant blame them as they are very talented kids that were all traps trained under Y/N guidance.

Y/N:okay now don't attract to much attention make sure no one will ever see you all.

Y/N said as his four student all nodded at this as they all then walk infront of the almost destroyed giant trapdoor.

Y/N: I'll go ahead first will meet up when who finds the real black Stone.

Y/N said as the others all nodded at this as he was the envelop by shadows and immediately he slip through the trapdoor.

The others also followed as thy all spilt up and make sure that no one finds them.

With Neo we could see her loving through the shadow as she past through several demons.

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