Chapter 191

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: she is in here for now I need to go so i can make a body of Alterprise.

Y/N said as this made the others all raised there eyebrows.

Illustrious: wait that's her name?

Illustrious asked as Y/N nodded at this as he puts the cube back on his pocket.

Y/N: yes that Enterprise other self name is.

Y/N said as the others all nodded when they heard this.


All of them were silent when they all have heard what Y/N has said.

It is truly shocking to hear that Enterprise would have another side of herself.

One which came from another timeline that is like there's.

But the only difference is that Y/N does not exist in that world.

One could say it would be vet shocking to know about it.

If you were to meet an opposite of yourself from another timeline.

You could be sure that you will be shock as hel whe you know about it.

And it is not that a very good thing if that other self of yours wants to kill you.

But even if he/she kill you it won't change what has happened in his/her timeline.

There are Infinite of parallel worlds that are like ours.

And it would be almost impossible for you to alter all of it.

Unless you mannage to find the prime reality where the real original self of yours exist.

There are other methods to be able to change this timeline.

One of which is a Multiversal level God and above are capable of doing such feat.

That you could include Y/N but his influence in the universe he is in is very low.

Due to the fact that he has not yet found the remaining pieces of Pandora Box.

So the only thing he could do is to find and kill this Siren Creator Alterprise has mentioned.

There are other methods to be able to alter all timeline.

Which is to be able to have complete mastery over Time and Space itself.

Which only a few people or higher beings is capable of that are below a Multiversal level God.

But even if they mannage to be able to have absolute control of time and space.

One still need a massive amount of power in order to even change all timeline.

After all the Multiverse has Infinite Universe within it and would require several amounts of energy or perhaps magic to be able to alter the whole timeline of the Multiverse.

There is the hard part as well which is to travel to different timelines.

In order to find the original timeline and alter it by any means once you enter if.

But for someone to do that it will take a Infinite amount of time for anyone to be able to find the prime universe.

And it will just either become a endless cycle for one to search the prime universe.

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