Chapter 23(Special Event Arctic Front)

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A/N:here is the third part of the chapter hope you all enjoy it.

Alice:prepare the cannons.

Y/N:on it.

Y/N said as he commanded all of his ships to aim there guns toward the Siren fleet.

Y/N:all are now prepared and ready commander.

Alice:open fire!

The sound of ships firing could be heard as it went towards the Siren fleet.

With Hornet and the others we could see them fighting against a huge number of production model ships.

Laffey: Javelin on you left!

Laffey warned Javelin who turn around and saw a shell heading towards her as she jumps out of the way.

Javelin: thanks Laffey.

Javelin said as she then fired torpedoes on the Siren as it sinks.

Hornet:Ayanami have you contacted the fleet of our situation?!

Hornet said as she launch some bombers towards a group of Siren ships.

Ayanami: they should be arriving in about a few minutes we just need to hold on until they arrived.

Ayanami said as she slice a Siren plane in half before firing a torpedo on a carrier.


The Torpedo hits the carrier and sinks it to the bottom of the ocean.

Cleveland: hey Hornet!

Cleveland and the others arrived just in time to help them.

Hornet: glad you could make it Cleveland.

Cleveland: yeah we had to clear some Siren ships before we could arrived here.

Cleveland said as she aimed her cannons on a group of high-class Sirens.

Instead of shells coming out blue beams of laser were fired out of Cleveland cannons.

As it hit the high-class Sirens  and not only pierce through them and hitting over 50 production but destroying them also.

Cleveland:I love the new retrofit big brother gave me.

Cleveland said as she fired another round of beams of laser towards a group of carrier.

Hornet:your not the only one with a new retrofit Cleveland.

Hornet said as she launch several Cosmo Lance.

Her planes then fired several missiles towards a group of High-class Sirens

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Her planes then fired several missiles towards a group of High-class Sirens.


The missiles hit its target as the high-class Sirens were destroyed easily.

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