Chapter 190

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: anyway I'll see you girls later then and Enterprise don't you and Hornet date try to borrow or steal my wallet from Laffey.

Y/N said as Hornet and Enterprise pouted at this as the follow him.

Leaving Ayanami and the others all in the infirmary.

Laffey: so anyone want to go and grab something to eat?

Laffey asked as Ayanami and the others all nodded in agreement at this.


Y/N could be seen walking down the hallway.

As Enterprise and Hornet tried to catch up with him a while ago.

But they could not find him die to the fact that he have left.

Before Enterprise and Hornet could find him as he teleported to the other side of the dorm.

For now we could see him walking through the hallways all on his own.

As he look at a holo-screen that is floating right infront of him.

Just then Alterprise have woke up inside his mind.

Y/N have noticed this as he smirk at this and spoke in his head.

Y/N: you finally woke up my dear.

Y/N said as Alterprise groan at this as she stand-up inside.

Y/N mind as Y/N body manifest inside his head.

Alterprise: what has happened while I was asleep?

Alterprise asked as she look at the manifestation of Y/N inside his head.

Y/N: oh we just made some small chat with dear Ayanami that's all.

Y/N said as this made Alterprise when she heard Ayanami name

Alterprise: really Ayanami is here like the same in other timelines.

Alterprise said as a couch appeared right infront of her and Y/N.

Alterprise sat on the couch along with Y/N as she turns her rad to look at Y/N.

Alterprise: do you still have the black mental cube in the base?,

Alterprise asked as Y/N shook his head at this.

Y/N: sadly I have destroyed it so they might need a new black mental cube to even power Orochi.

Y/N said as Alterprise nodded with a surprise look on her face when she heard this.

Alterprise: to be able to destroy that cube is not an easy feat Y/N.

Alterprise said as this made Y/N smirk at this.

Y/N: lucky for me I defy this rules and I am beyond logic or commonsense.

Y/N said as Alterprise rolled her eyes when she heard this.

Alterprise: yeah I know that after all you are not of this world.

Alterprise said as Y/N nodded at this as a bottle of wine appeared out if nowhere.

Y/N caught this as he took a sip from the bottle of wine.

Y/N:and I presume you have already know who I am?

Y/N ask as Alterprise nodded at this when she entered Y/N soul.

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