Chapter 193

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.


Akashi said as she is in the country right and and is busy counting the money she receive from the card.

As Laffey and the others all shrug at this wonder why Akashi scream in joy.

As they where all confuse as to why she would be so happy about the small card she has been given.

Little did they know that card holds enough money to make anyone chase after it.


Javelin: wha was that about?

Javelin asked the others wondering why in the world Akashi would scream so loud.

As they almost had there ears bleed whe she scream.

Ayanami: probably because the huge amount of money that we just spend to but these holo-pad.

Ayanami said while pointing at the holo-pad that they are all holding right now.

Laffey: well they are expensive I wonder how much money big brother have?

Laffey asked as she and the others wonder just how rich is her big brother is.

Javelin: probably very rich Laffey and you are very lucky to.

Javelin said as she was a bit jealous on how much Y/N spoil Laffey and the others.

Ever since he came back he would always do everything in his power.

To fullfil anything Enterprise and the others wants.

Which is likely to make him down his time with them.

As they made him look like a butler that serve them loyaly.

Even the Royal maids envy on how Y/N treat them like a bunch of princess.

That would always get what they want but the also want to have a brother like him.

Laffey: my brother is not that insanely rich right?

Laffey asked the others who just gave her a I don't know look or I don't sure look on there faces.

Akashi cam back with the card on her hand as she had the biggest smile anyone could have.

Akashi: okay you all have can take it and also don't forget to take this as well.

Akashi said as she give the card back to Laffey who took it.

As she puts it back at the wallet that Y/N has given them.

Laffey: how much dues this card have Akashi?

Lafft asked as she looks at Akashi who gave them a happy look.

Tha kinda creep Ayanami as Dr knew this smile whenever Akashi smiles like that.

Akashi: oh that is a Obsidian Card the only one if it's kind and it holds over Trillions of gems/dollars.

Akashi said as Laffey and the others al had there eyes almost pop out of there eyesockets.

Javelin: that many I think I am going to die from just how much that is.

Javelin said as she had her jawdropped to the ground.

And she look like she is going to faint at any moment.

Ayanami: now I understand why your big brother have gave you that wallet of his he is litteraly the richest man in the whole world.

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