Chapter 126(Special Event:When Fantasy With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N:I am here to tell you all that we have several new allies and one of this allies of ours which the Empire Of Britain is under attack I request to all members of the 72th Battalion Fleet of the Eagle Division to assist our new allies as there capital is being under siege that is all Grand Admiral Rose and Grand Commander Walter will be leading to assist them I order all of you to prepare immediately that is all.

Y/N said as the holo-screen went back to normal with over 2 million personal and members of the 72th Battalion Fleet running as fast as they could towards the dockyards to prepare themselves


As the 72th Battalion Fleet run towards all of the ship they have nearby.

We could see Morded along with the others running towards a nearby teleportation pad.

Mordred: how long before that giant abomination will arrive at my home?

Mordred asked in worry as she is completely worried of what would happen if they can't arrive in time.

Walter: if you can count the fact that thing is flying at a speed of 300 km per hour.

Walter said as they went inside the teleportation pad as he set there destination to the nearest dock within the Aurora.

Walter: they will be arriving at your capital within 15 minutes.

Walter said as he press the button on the teleportation pad and they are envelop by light.

As they then appear on another teleportation pad.

They walk out of the teleportation pad immediately as they were greeted with several soldiers and crew heating towards one of the Paris Class Destroyers.

Merlin: can we be able to get therein time.

Merlin asked as they ran inside the ship with the crewmen all moving to the side to make way for them.

Rose: we might if the ship is now ready to leave we can warp to your capital in just a blink of a eye.

Rose said as they ran to the left where a  elevator leading to the command bridge is.

As Rose press the button that opens the elevator as they enter it.

Walter: bring us to the command bridge.

Walter ordered as the AI that operates the ship brings them to the command bridge.

Lancelot: we all just hope that we make it in time before that monstrosity arrives.

Lancelot said and 12 second later the elevator stops as the door open revealing the command deck.

With several personnel preparing the ship they are in.

Over more than 200 Paris Class Destroyers are now preparing to depart from the dockyard.

Walter:let's just hope we do arrive in time.

Walter said as the walk out of The elevator and went to the main console of the command deck.

Several Officer were now standing behind them as tht await Walter or Rose command.

Walter: general Macarov is the 72th Battalion Fleet ready to depart?

Walter ask the general that commands the 72th Battalion Fleet.

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