Chapter 151(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: her is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: alright but please slow down you might trip yourselves and ruin your clothes.

Y/N said as he then turn his head abit towards Artoria and Mordred.

Y/N: I'll see you both later at the ball room then.

Y/N said as Mordred and Artoria nodded at this as the eo went to head to the other entrance to the ball room.

As they prepare themselves to announce the ball to everyone that is waiting for them.

Meanwhile in the ball room you could see several nobles all walking inside.

All of them wearing various luxurious clothing and some of them wearing a lot of accessories.

Some even have wear over more than dozens of expensive ring of different designs on there hands.

The female nobles all are also have use to much make up.

As over more than half of the noble woman that are inside the ball room have to much make up.

That you could have mistaken them all for a clown.

Several various table filled with food could be seen to the side as some of the nobles are standing there while drinking or eating a bit.

The ball room have only been filled for more than 30% since it is very huge and more than 1000 people could fit inside the ball room.

Many of them were here mostly because to gain favor from the Emperor of the Celestial Empire.

The same could be said to the females as they all make themselves as beautiful as they can.

In order to attract the Celestial Emperor attention.

In the left side were there is a couple of table we could see Walter sitting on a chair infront of a round table.

With Lancelot sitting beside him Rose sit right next to Lancelot.

While Natasha and Alexandria where sitting at the opposite of the three with Jalter and Gilgamesh sitting beside the two.

The others were sitting on nearby table besides them with the other either standing near the table with dozens if food.

Which includes Astolfo, Kunou , and Lily as the three if them were eating some small piece of food.

Walter: the ball hasn't even begun and it is already lively.

Walter commented as he picks glass of wine from a tray that a butler is carrying besides him.

Jalter: what the only reason many are coming this early is because of Y/N.

Jalter said as she was annoyed of hearing some noble girls thinking they could make Y/N fall in love with the.

As Jalter feels like she is going to laugh on hearing what they say.

Gilgamesh: if they didn't wear to much make up perhaps they could attract Y/N attention.

Gilgamesh said as she was wearing a long golden dress with white roses on her left shoulder.

Rose: if they could even attract Y/N as he isn't that simple to get.

Rose added as the others nodded at this as they continue to converse with each other.

There was several musician playing a soft and calm music as they all enjoy listening to it.

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