Chapter 33

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A/N:i hope you shall all enjoy today's chapter.

Y/N then looked at the hologram infront of him showing the button that puts all the ships on earth to be in maximum security level.

As he then pressed this and all of the ships in the planet began to activate there Dark matter core as the ships began to have Black lines all over each ship.

Back at Azur Lane Base we could see Enterprise walking around the base with Belfast following her.

Everyone in the base were enjoying themselves as new ships arrived at the base.

Enterprise:it has become more lively now.

Enterprise said as she see lots of new ships around.

Belfast:indeed from what I have heard news of your brother returning has caused ships all around the world to head here.

Belfast said as she follows Enterprise.

Enterprise:well he is very famous after all.

Enterprise said with a irritated look on her face.

Belfast:*giggle* are you afraid someone would still him from you?

Belfast asked as Enterprise looked at Belfast with a glare.

Belfast: I take that as a yes then.

Enterprise: never mind I'm just going to find Hornet and Yorktown.

Enterprise said as she walks away leaving Belfast behind.

Belfast:you two really love each other I'm quite jealous.

Belfast said to herself before following Enterprise.

Meanwhile with Javelin and Laffey we could see the two cleaning on one of the destroyers.

As Javelin had a troubled look on her face.

She recalled of what happened to there talk with Ayanami.

Javelin: what seems to be troubling Ayanami?

Javelin asked herself she is quite confuse of the way Ayanami has been acting when Laffey told her that she wanted to be friends with each other.

Javelin: but I don't want to regret it of beco-.

Javelin was cut off as she was sprayed by water.

Laffey: Javelin no slacking off.

Laffey said while stop spraying towards Javelin.

Javelin:what was that for?!

Laffey:you were slacking off and you didn't listen when I called you so I had to do it?

Javelin:I'm going to get you for this.

Javelin said as she picked a hose and sprayed water on Laffey who mannage to dodge it.

Laffey then sprayed at Javelin as she got wet again the two then started to spray at each other.

Meanwhile with Y/N we could see him appearing in his room.

Y/N:huh, i think i should take a bath.

Y/N said as he heads towards the hot springs he saw Cleveland and her sisters.

Denver:come on now sis tell us how did you get that new ship?

Montpelier: yeah how come you got an upgrade while we don't?

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