Chapter 97(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Mordred:whats seems to be the matter Merlin?

Mordred asked as Merlin just pointed her finger towards where she is looking at.

As the two the turned around look to where Merlin and Fou is pointing.

As they then froze of what they saw several metal chariots where now flying towards.

As it gets near to them and produces winds that slightly blow some dust away.

As they all cover there eyes since the strength of the wind is producing is blowing dust on there faces.

The helicopter was now floating infront of them as Merlin puts a barrier to prevent the wind from hitting them.

Mordred: what the heck is that?!

Mordred asked while looking at the giant helicopter that was still floating infront of them.

It was extremely huge more than 15 meters long, 6 meters wide, and is approximately 7 meters in height.

Tht see it floating with its tale having some kind of blade spinning.

And what causing the wind is because of the the two thrusters that is in the middle to of the helicopter.

On each side that is now blowing flames downward.

As the knights nearby ran towards Mordred and aimed there bow at the helicopter.

Lancelot: all of you put you bow away.

Lancelot ordered but the knights hesitated to lower there bow.

That is until Mordred ordered them to lower there bow as they obeyed the princess.

Fearing that they will make her mad she is a demon in the battlefield so its much better to not get on her bad side.

Captain:your Majesty what is that?

A Knight Captain asked as he was holding a sword just in case that something goes wrong.

Lancelot:we have some guest captain tell your men to lower there weapons.

Lancelot ordered as the Captain look at the princess who nodded at this.

The captain ordered his men to put there weapons down as tht all obeyed to it.

The put thee sword all back in there sheath.

Just then Fou suddenly jumps out of Merlin's shoulder and walk towards the barrier infront of her.

As she then stops and look towards the giant helicopter.

Mordred: what is she doing Merlin?

Mordred asked as she look at the small cute furry creature that is touching the barrier Merlin has summoned.

Merlin:I don't know what Fou is doing.

Merlin said back to Mordred as she and the others then see Fou walking past the barrier.

And walk towards a few meters away from the wooden railing.

As the wind blew her furry hair and suddenly a lot hissing sound could be heard.

Causing the knights to unsheathed there swords.

But they look to where the second is coming from and look to see the left door of the helicopter opening.

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