Chapter 128(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Gawain: what the where did that attack came from?!

Percival: perhaps Morded and the others have arrive with out new allies.

Percival said as this gave a huge boost of moral to the army while Artoria had a smile on her face.

Artoria: let's not celebrate to soon there might be still some survivors it has crash into the Alfen lake.

Gawain: the let move and capture them the sooner we get there faster we will be able to go back to Camelot to prepare for Mordred return.

Gawain said as the other nodded at this as they all the March faster than before.

But all if them not knowing what they will face that has crash into the lake.

As Artoria and the other all March towards the lake they are met with the general that is protecting the Alfen Mines.

Which is also a woman and goes by the name Aloria which is actually another sibling if Artoria.

She is the older sister of Artoria and also a siscon at the same time.

She is very overprotective of Artoria and her daughter.

Which kinda makes Artoria embarrassed since she is always doting on her even if she is full grown woman.

The more annoying about her sometimes is that she always teases Artoria.

That why she is still having very small boobs that makes Artoria always blush when she hears this.

And she would always shout at Loria of talking something so unlady like.

Of course if you compare the both of them they are like Prinz Eugen and Admiral Hipper.

As there personality is the same as Eugen and Hipper the only difference is that Artoria isn't a tsundere like Hipper.

As she is more of a easily less control than Hipper who can resist her sister teasing.

While Artoria can't handle being teased for even just 30 seconds.

As one time she couldn't handle Aloria teasing that she punch a part of the castle wall training ground.

As this kinda shock and praised by her knights of how strong she was.

Even though she actually punch the wall due to being to much teased.

And was angry at the time but even then she will always be teased by Aloria.

Of course there was another time she was teased by Aloria again where she was so angry at her teasing.

She tried to smack her with a wooden plank but Aloria who manage to dodge it.

And instead got Tristan to be the one getting hit by the wooden plank.

As she send Tristan flying 2 kilometers away from the castle.

And Tristan at that time crash into a beehive.

The poor girls got herself stuck in bed for more than 3 months.

Due to being sting by hundreds of bee and with her head having a crack on the skull.

And having one broken bone in the leg with some parts of her ribcage broken.

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