Chapter 59

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A/N:here is the next chapter please all of you enjoy and also you should all check the new chapter I made on Y other story.

Essex: well can I you know.

Essex said as Y/N understand what she is trying to tell.

Y/N:of course Essex I wouldn't mind you joining.

Y/N said as Essex was surprised at this before she happily kiss him back as she cry tears of joy.

(3rd POV)

A few minutes later after kissing him again they seperated from each other and stands up.

Essex: so we're are you going big brother?

Y/N:I'm trying to find Aether, Sol, Athena.

Essex: why what are you going to do?

Y/N:just to prepare the Royal Ball for tonight actually.

Y/N said as he and Essex walks towards the dorms to find Aether and the others.

Essex:can I also help?

Y/N:well sure you can help us.

Y/N said a they walk inside the dorms until they arrived at Y/N.

As Y/N opened the door he saw Aether along with the other two reading something while they were giggling.

Which confuse Y/N as he walks in and the girl soon noticed Y/N walking in.

Sol:Y/N your back how was there retrofit?

Sol asked as she hid the book from Y/N while smiling innocently.

As Y/N raised his left eyebrows at the sudden change of emotion and he looked at the magazine that she was trying to find.

Y/N:well everything went well and i need your three help.

Aether:oh what is it do you need our help love?

Aether asked wondering what does Y/N need there help for.

Y/N:I need you girls on helping prepare for the Royal Ball tonight.

Y/N said making the girls go scramble and went to there closet to change there clothes.

A few minutes later they were now wearing there usual clothes.

As the three nodded and followed Y/N outside until they have noticed Essex standing outside.

Athena:oh hey Essex what are you doing here?

Essex: I'm her go help big brother preparing for the Royal Ball.

Essex said as they saw a kiss mark on her cheek.

And noticed she was blushing a bit making the three girls smirk at this.

Sol:oh my did you and Y/N have kissed?

Sol whispered to Essex as the said girl blush red like a tomato hearing this.

Essex:well I um.

Aether: oh don't be embarrassed about it.

Aether said as she pulled Essex and the two followed Y/N.

As the other two girls also soon followed as they arrived at a huge spacious room.

The room was big enough to fit over 1000 people and the room seems to haven't  been cleaned for a while now.

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