Chapter 93(Special Event:Gate:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-Fi)

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A/N:here is the chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy today's chapter.
Mordred: okay I get it no doing stupid or anything when we arrive there.

Mordred said while making a cross sign in the air.

Merlin:that is go-.

Merlin was cut off as something RAM into the ship they are on as it send them tumbling to the ground.

The ships suddenly swayed to the side as the crew on board all went tumbling onto the wooden floor of the ship.

Suddenly the other smaller ship started sinking as if they have hitted something.

The other crew started to panic seeing that they are under attack.

Crew1:we're under attack!

Crew2:captain there are pirates attacking us!

Another crew said as he point to there left and see several pirate ships all sailing towards them.

Suddenly the pirates fired there cannons towards them as they all try to dodge.

The incoming cannonballs that are hitting the ship.

Merlin:damn it why of all time do we have to be under attack.

Merlin said as she stand up and look towards the fleet of pirates.

Lancelot:those are the Crimson Heart pirate.

Lancelot said they were known to be the most notorious and most wanted pirate in the whole world.

Due to them raiding the two empires supply ships.

There leader was known as the reaper of the sea his name was Dezirem Redlock.

Due to him being able to escape before he gets even caught and have destroyed many of there Navy ships for the past 12 years now.

He has a wanted list of bringing him dead or  alive for more than 10 million gold and 5000 platinum.

Many tried to hunt him down but none were able to even capture him.

The flag ship of his Navy is known as the Morningstar a ship with over 500 cannons.

250 cannons on each broadside of his ship and is about 200 meters long 20 meters in height and 40 meters wide.

It is the most largest ship in pirate history and can only be defeated by the Royal Navy of Britain Flag Ship.

The Pendragon which was name after the Empress herself.

A ship of 300 meters long with 900 cannons 450 on each broadside of the ship.

75 meters long and 32 meters high it is the largest ship the Navy had.

And currently the only ship made of metal and the new technology they have called steam turbines.

It is also known as the most fastest ship in the whole Empire since they are still contracting the new steam turbine engine ships.

Which cost a huge amount of gold each one costing over 2 million golds.

As of right now Mordred and the others look at the Morningstar tha is heading towards them.

Mordred: looks like I'm going to have fun.

Mordred said as she pulled out her sword from her sheath.

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