Chapter 130(Special Event When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Artoria: wait what is that sword you have Mordred?!

Artoria ask as she look at the sword that is on Mordred left waist.

Mordred: of this it was a gift from Emperor Y/N.

Mordred said as this shock her and the other when they heard this as they knew that Mordred would have been gifted such weapon.

All of them were amazed by its appearance when they saw it as it radiates an aura of a billion stars.

Well technically it was made out of Billions of Star so it quite obvious to why it would radiate that massive energy.

Artoria: Emperor Y/N is that the name of the ruler of the Celestial Empire that Grand Commander Walter said?


Artoria asked with a shock look on her face as she never thought that Mordred would be given such a weapon.

Is it possible that it is a sign or way if them when they make an alliance with the Empire Of Britain.

Artoria could feel the immense holy magic that us radiating within the sword the Mordred is holding.

And it completely even surpasses Excalibur by several folds.

If you compare them to each other Excalibur will look child play in comparison to the sword that Mordred holds within her hands.

She is truly amazed upon jus a look at the sword itself

You could clearly see that it is vet unique.

And the design of the sword is very complex that even the most well known.

Grandmaster Blacksmith wouldn't be able for them to even create such blade.

And the might not even know what type of metal the sword is made if.

The metal looks like gold and silver but Artoria could see it clearly.

That the sword isn't made out of any type of metal she has ever seen before.

This just made her amazed even more at the sight if seeing the Holy weapon right infront if her.

Truly this nation couldn't possibly just give such very powerful weapon to them.

Without an exchange for it but seeing that the emperor of the Celestial Empire himself shock Artoria.

And she is even more shock to learn that the leader of the Celestial Empire is a male.

It is very rare in there world to see a male ruling due to how the population of male.

Is very low compared to the huge amount of population of the females.

Thinking about it why didn't the Emperor come as well.

Since two of his advisor and commander is here.

But she is not to judge about it as she knows what a ruler meant.

There Emperor might be very busy right now and they won't even know what he is doing right know.

So she understand if there ruler isn't here right now.

What matter right now is that they talk with there knew allies.

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