Chapter 160(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you enjoy.

As they see the red part which is the South of the Empire slowly getting smaller.

Y/N:my army along with Artoria and Gilgamesh army is helping to reclaim your lost land Nero.

Y/N explainer as Nero thank him at this and ask if there is anything that she could do to repay him as Y/N merely shook his head at this as he just wants to help her as this made her fall in love with him even more


All of them look at the holo-map that fight infront of them as Y/N took out a sunglasses from his pocket.

As the other all where confuse as to why he wear it.

That is until they saw him pressing a button on the back of his sunglasses.

That it suddenly turn red with a black round circle with rectangles attach to the circle.

Y/N: all of you should wear this.

Y/N: said as he then snap his fingers and several sunglasses appeared.

All each appeared on the hands as they were amazed by its design.

Maria: oh what are this they look very special.

Maria asked as Y/N chuckle at this however Gilles knows completely what this are.

Since he has been promoted to be a Imperial Marshal only a rank lower to Walter.

He has read all the necessary thing about being a Imperial Marshal.

As he has reads aout the glasses that he is holding right now.

As he has used this yesterday when they were saving Gilgamesh kingdom from the controlled Tiamat.

Gilles: this are Communicator Command Glasses or CCG for short.

Gilles said as Y/N was impress at this as he was not wrong on promoting Gilles as an Imperial Marshal.

Y/N: I'm impress you mannage to know about it Gilles.

Y/N said with a smile as Gilles scratch the back of his head at this.

Gilles: many thanks your Majesty it is my duty to memorize everything about the things I need on my current rank now.

Gilles said as Y/N nodded at this as he turns around to look at Jalter.

Y/N: I now understand why he became your most strongest Commander Jalter.

Y/N said as he made a glass of wine appear on his hand as he took a sip from it.

Jalter: yeah and I am proud of my own friend to be able to fulfill his dream.

Jalter said as they all then wear the CCG and then turn it on.

There whole view was at first looks normal with only there view decreasing on how bright it is in the room.

As it dim a bit from when they wear it.

But once they all tunr on the CCG several holo-screen appeared on there view.

Nero: this is amazing.

Nero said as she waves her hand as she accidentally press a nuclear strike.

And a bunch of demons that were retreating on them map were suddenly hit by a nuke.

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