Chapter 87

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

As this was over Y/N turned around and look to see a Yellow beam behind a planet hitting above and below it.

Y/N:so you have finally awoken Keypoint G or I should say Enterprise.

Y/N said with a smile on his face as he then flew towards Enterprise.

Several minutes before the fight has begun we could see Enterprise floating in space as she looks around.

She turns to see the Queen Class Siren heading towards her and is apparently carrying a energy bladed spear.

Or to be more precise the Queen Class Siren is carrying a fusion of a staff and a spear.

If the purple glowing orb that is floating middle in the inside of the spear.

Enterprise ready her bow as the Siren approaches her.

As she looks at the Siren she could that the Siren has several launching deck or to be precise there is over 4 carrier decks.

Tha is floating behind her like a part of a cape but just more  metallic.

And has several cannons attach to her back there more than 2 cannons attach on her back.

Far more less weapons it has than a King Class weaponry have.

But must be a support type judging from the looks of it this Siren is suitable for combat also.

But is probably not that very good on long range combat and more suitable for support attacks.

As the siren then was now a few hundred meters away from Enterprise

The Siren look at Enterprise with an unamused look on her face as she observe Enterprise.

QS1:so your the infamous Grey Ghost I suppose?

The Siren asked with a board look on her face as she looks at Enterprise.

QS1:I hope you will be able to entertain me.

The Siren said as it aimed her two cannons towards Enterprise who saw it.

The Siren then fired her cannons and two beams head straight towards Enterprise.

As the girl immediately jump to the side to dodge the incoming beam.

The beam pass through her and hit a nearby moon.

As the moon suddenly had a small explosion on it the size of small city.

The blast have made and judging from the attack the Siren has far less superior attack power than that of a king.

As Enterprise then turned around and aimed her bow at the Sirens and then pulled the string on her bow and fired it into the siren.

The Siren seeing this dodge to the side as the arrow pass through her.

QS1:is that it how disappointing.

The Siren said with a mocking look on her face.

But unknown to her the arrow that pass through her change into a Warp Bomb.

As the Bomb was carrying Super HE in it as the bomb then warped itself.

And the appeared above the Siren who didn't noticed it.

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