Chapter 178(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is the NW t chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

As pleasure wasn't the thing that Malcon felt but only endless pain and torture.

And you could say he is going to give birth to lot of Eldritch monster before he dies.

As Malcon fate was sealed and he died by being rape by many Eldritch being and give birth before dying as time is different in the Chaos Realm to that of the world of Gaia.


In the other city where Nero and the others were.

They have successfully captured it and preventing anyone to escape.

Or even inform anyone about them being in the continent.

They also have captured over more than 500,000 prisoners.

With over more than 200,000 being executed while the rest was sended to some concentration camps.

All of which are very terrifying and they all won't be able to even survive in the concentration camp in just an hour.

Almost more than 257,797 were dead in just 15 minutes of staying in the concentration camp.

Right now they are repairing the city since they still have one more city that they need to capture.

In the mobile base that is outside if the city of Relzon we could see Rose and Walter talking to each other.

As they are now planning on what there next attack will be.

Rose: we are getting close to the capital there is only one more city left tha we need to capture.

Rose said as she is thinking on how to attack the last city.

Which the city if Zalos and the main problem they will face on how It is not far from the capital.

With only jus 50 km away from the capital there cover will be blown.

If the city of Zalos will be attacked immediately as it will alert the capital.

Making there cover be blown and it will just take a little bit more time for them to be able to conquer the capital.

Walter: but it is not far from the capital any explosive we use might alert the capital immediately.

Walter said as he sigh at this they are having a small problem but it is nothing that tht can handle.

As they all just need a way on how to capture the city without getting discovered by the enemy.

As it would be a huge a problem and Rianna might escape by the time they arrive at the capital.

Rose: then should we perhaps send Shirou and his team again.

Rose suggested as Walter thought about it and immediately shook his head.

Walter: tha won't do the city of Zalod is completely heavily guarded and every place there is completely monitored carefully.

Walter said as Rose nodded at this as they decide of an other way to make sure there cover is not blown.

Meanwhile outside the mobile base in on of the railing of the base.

We could see Nero looking at the city that is being rebuilt.

As she sigh at this and look at the sky above them it was completely dark.

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