Chapter 91(Special Event:Gate:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-Fi)

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A/N:here is the second part of the story hope you all enjoy.


all of the soldier shouted as they all await Y/N command.

Y/N:let Operation Descend commence.

Y/N announce as the other world is about to meet there worse nightmare.

After Y/N announcement of entering info the gate all the army he has sended has mannage to capture what is called as the Heavens Gate Hill.

There are dozens thing that is different than the original gate anime story.

one they were in Great Britain the Era where King Arthur is still alive and ruling his or should I say her kingdom.

The difference of this world to that of the king Arthur story is because the whole planet is different.

Apparently King Arthur or should I say Empress Artoria Pendragon is currently at war with her sister Morgana.

The war has lasted for over more than 5 years now.

Anv approximately the half of the earth is ruled by Artoria Pendragon while the other half is ruled by her sister.

Both side has yet to even gain any way to even conquer each other territory.

Not mention that Y/N army was in the middle of the two nations.

That are in the island known as the Island of Eden.

Apparently the one that has entered Y/N planet was an army of Morgana.

While Artoria army is trying to stop Morgana from taking the gate.

However they were all easily wiped out and the island was equal to the size of the nation France.

The Empire that Artoria rule was called as the Empire Of Britain.

While the Empire Morgana ruled was called as the Moragan Empire the two nation where equal in both power and strength.

And none of them has yet to even break the stalemate between the two nations.

With Y/N the 20 million soldier he has deployed over the island they conquered has increased and is now 100 million.

The island was expanded and giant wall made of Titanium Steel.

The height of the wall was over 15 meters tall and the gat I'm the middle of the island.

Has been turned into a massive base the appearance of it is like a castle the nearby native think that it is the castle of God.

Some would come to the wall and ask for help as Y/N agreed to this refugees of different kind from humans , demons, elves and other inhabitant of the planet would enter the island.

Apparently this refugees were tired of the war between the two great empires.

And heck the aren't even racist towards each other.

They treat and respect one another many wanted to join Y/N massive Empire.

After hearing from his army tha he was a god that ruled and Empire that never fall.

Many of them began to worship him as a god that descend from the gates of heaven.

His army is split into three Division the first is the Eagle Division which looks like is made up of US, British, French, Canada soldiers.

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