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A/N:hey author here and I mannage to make the 4 chapters hope you will all like it as I had enough time and won't need for you all to wait for me to update it on Saturday.

Elizabeth: M-my l-l-lord y-your b-back?

Elizabeth stuttered as the rest of the Royal Navy have a very dumbfounded look except for hood as she was almost going to burst into tears.

Y/N:yes I am but I recommend you all take cover.

Elizabeth: w-why is t-t-there something g-going to h-h-happen?

Y/N:just take cover before it sets off.

As if on cue a giant mushroom cloud could be see from afar as Y/N and the others look at the giant mushroom cloud that appeared.

Y/N:well never mind he already launch it.

Wales and the others were dumbfounded as they look at the window seeing a giant mushroom cloud just appeared out of nowhere.

Wales:what just happened?

Y/N:it would seems reinforcement has already to help them.

Y/N said as we could see him calmly drink a cup of tea while watching the giant mushroom cloud outside.

Y/N:though I hope Elizabeth and the others are alright and didn't get hit by the blast.

Y/N said but was imagining what would there faces would be like if the shockwave of the explosion have reach them.

While Wales and the other we're confuse of what is happening to the right now.

But the royal navy are in for a huge surprise when they arrive to help them.

Illustrious:wait that giant mushroom cloud what is it?

Illustrious suddenly asked as she came out of her dazed state.

Y/N:they probably had been bomb that just had been probably been drop off the sky.

Y/N answered her question.

Illustrious: how can you sure about that?

Illustrious asked while still looking at the giant mushroom cloud.

Y/N:just wait and when they arrived you'll will know.

Y/N said as he look back outside the window.

10 minutes ago.

Back with hornet and the others we could see both Enterprise and Zuikaku fighting as Zuikaku lunge at Enterprise aiming her sword towards Enterprise.

But Enterprise block all of her attacks with her bow as she was being push back.

Zuikaku: I was expecting you to be stronger Grey Ghost.

She said as she strike Enterprise with her sword but it was dodge by Enterprise and Enterprise countered it with her own.

Both continue to exchange blows on each other not one of them even lowered there guard as there battle become more intense as time pass.

But sooner or later both will be exhausted and will soon reach there limit and won't be able to continue fighting.

Zuikaku:when I defeat you the 1st Carrier Division will finally se e are strength.

Zuikaku said as she made Enterprise lose her balance giving her the opportunity to strike at her.

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