Chapter 146(Special Event:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N: here is  the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Y/N: oh a Royal Ball that seemed to be interesting.

Y/N said as he then looked around to see several people forming outside the landing port.

Y/N: perhaps we should talk about it on the way to the castle then.

Walter: of course Emperor Y/N.

Walter said as they all then walk towards the Limousine outside that is being guarded by several  Moonlight Cavalier's.


As Y/N walk towards the limousine followed by the others behind him.

The surrounding people outside the landing port all move to the side.

As the girls were all looking at Y/N with hearts in there eyes.

They all were simply mesmerized on seeing Y/N.

And all of the female were now even more excited to prepare for the upcoming Royal Ball tonight.

And the are AL planning to seduce Y/N if that will even work on him seeing that it's very impossible for them to succeed.

And Y/N is a very wise one as he is not easy to fall on someone that easily.

Y/N: the reports I have read have told me that there was a slight problem that had occurred 3 hours ago is that true.

Y/N asked Walter who is following beside him.

Walter: yes apparently a noble by the name of Daniel have caused a bit trouble for us but luckily we were able to capture him.

Walter said as he remembered the insult that Daniel have said to the both of them.

If it were the other generals have heard of this the would have slice him to pieces by now.

Y/N: and add the fact that he said to be a traitor is that true?

Y/N asked as he knows that there are someone that works for Morgana within Britain itself.

Though it is a surprise they have mannage to hide this long without getting Artoria and the others to notice them.

Walter: yes as you may have heard he is going to be publicly executed tomorrow morning.

Walter said as the two of them stop infront of two limousine that is right infront of them the other is behind the first one.

The Imperium Sentinels all are blocking the commoners and nobles to get near Y/N and the others.

The driver of the first limousine open the door for Y/N to come in.

Y/N: well there is only 10 people the car can carry so some of you girls have to ride on the other one.

Y/N said as Gilgamesh, Jalter, Lily, Kunou, Tamano, Astolfo , Scathach, and Semiramis were the one who entered the first car.

As the other girls groaned seeing them not being able to make it in time.

As they have no choice but to ride on the other car making them not ale to sit with Y/N.

As they all just sigh in defeat at this as Tiamat, Da Vinci, Jeanne, Enkindu, Siduri, Natasha , Alexandria, Fou and Rose sit on the other car with a defeated look on there faces.

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