Chapter 77

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy.

Laffey: yours are absolute monsters Javelin.

Laffey said as she turns around to look at Javelin who have a dumbfounded look on her face and looks like he eyes were about to bulge out of there eyesockets.

Laffey: are you alright Javelin?

Javelin: h-h-h-h-how c-c-can t-they e-even do t-t-that?

Javelin ask while stuttering as she couldn't believe what she just saw.

As they were all busy handling the remaining Siren production models.

We could see back at the second fleet staring down at them with a surprise look on there faces.

Cleveland: okay I'm completely shock to even ask how they even do that.

Cleveland said with a dumbfounded look on her face.

As the others were also surprised at what they saw.

Denver:how can they even do that?

Denver asked with a surprise look on her face.

The second fleet never had a retrofit yet they have some advance weapons they are using.

It is completely suprised them and didn't expected this outcome.

There pretty sure that the second fleet could even handle the Sakura Empire fleet on there own.

Sol:well you should thank that to Y/N.

Sol said as she look back at the others apparently Victorious and Essex seems like there enjoying themselves.

Well screw it they enjoy it to much and they are litteraly slaughtering the Siren production model below them.

Montpelier: wait what do you mean did Big Brother do something to them?

Montpelier asked as Aether answer her question.

Aether:well yes he did it is because of the black mental cube.

Aether said gaining a surprise look on the others except for Athena and Sol as they already know about this.

Hornet:well that's quite a surprise but what did the black mental cube did to them?

Hornet asked this time as she took an apple from out if nowhere.

Athena is the one this time that answer her question.

Athena: well the black mental cube can modify there armaments to some degree but it depends on how much data is collected and the power the cube store inside

Athena finnish saying as the others nodded in understanding at this.

Yorktown:then shouldn't we be helping them?

Yorktown said as the others also asked about this.

Warspite: Yorktown is right shouldn't we be helping them?

Warspite asked this time with a confuse look on her face.

Sol:it better if we wait for the Sakura Empire Fleet to appear.

Queen Elizabeth: I have to agree with Sol everyone if we attack now our cover will be blown and the night have something that will be use against us.

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