Chapter 92(Special Event:Gate:When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-Fi)

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A/N:here is the third part of the story hope you all enjoy.

And meanwhile a few kilometers away from the base we could see several ships from the Empire Of Britain are heading towards Y/N.

And they are not aware that if the ships that are waiting for them in the Naval Fortress.

As they are all going to have a huge surprise when the meet them.

Several km away from Eden we could see several wooden ships sailing towards the said island.

And out of all of the ships we could see a giant ship and looks like carrying over more than 200 medieval cannons.

100 on each of the ships side with several large sails on it and has the image of a lion on it.

The ship is approximately 100 meters long , 35 meters wide and 12 meters high.

The sails are counted at the height of the ships.

This was the Galeon one of the 12 strongest ships the empireof Britain had.

And within the ship we could see a girl standing on one of the railings of the ship.

This was Mordred Pendragon the daughter of Artoria Pendragon she was sended in order to investigate of the rumors of God on the islands of Eden.

As rumors were spreading of thousands upon thousands of refugees were heading towards the island or small continent to be exact.

Artoria was curios of the rumors that were spreading all over the whole world.

This has happened for more than 3 days now and she has decided to send Simeon to investigate it.

Of course her daughter was the who volunteer to investigate it.

At first she was hesitant about it but knowing she can't convince her daughter had no choice but to agree to it.

Mordred of course was not alone as she had Merlin the immortal Grand Wizard of Great Britain with them.

Along with Sir Bedivere and Sir Lancelot.

It is quite surprised that all of the knights in the round table were female.

They hold the highest position to the whole Empire only second though to the Empress and Princess Mordred.

Mordred had no father as she was created by Morgana from the blood of her mother Artoria.

If course before she could even be turned into a weapon against Artoria she was save by Artoria when she was young.

And acknowledge Mordred as her daughter and would be the heir to the throne of Britannia.

Currently though we could see the girl looking over the ocean.

As they have been sailing for quite a while no considering they have sailed for more than 2 hours now.

And has yet to arrive at there destination.

Which kinda annoy the girl as she was getting more impatient by the hours passes.

Mordred:*sigh* how long until we can even arrive at that damn island anyway.

Mordred said as she continue to look at the ocean.

Just then Merlin appeared behind her along with sir Lancelot.

Merlin:you should SA such thing princess.

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