Chapter 53

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A/N:ok now we're back to the continuation of the previous test only Hood, Queen Elizabeth, Enterprise and Yorktown are left and the next special chapter will be everyone meeting the new Russian ship in the next special chapter which sci-fi ship do you all think I should add in the next special chapter.

As Y/N summoned his ship and they went inside.

Uzuki:*sniff* goodbye Onii-chan.

Javelin: Waaah!!! Please come and visit us once in a while.

All of them wave goodbye at Y/N and the others as the ship then warp back to there own world.



In the stormy planet Y/N made we could see Queen Elizabeth and Good sailing the massive waves.

Hood: why on earth would we be in this kind of simulation.

Hood ask herself as she got hit by a wave as it made her dress wet.

Queen Elizabeth: perhaps Lord Y/N is trying to test us on how strong we are if we a-.

Queen Elizabeth was cut off as a huge wave splash over her.

Hood:your majesty!!!

Hood ran towards Elizabeth who is covered in splashes of water from the waves.

Queen Elizabeth: I am fine Hood this is merely a simulation.

Queen Elizabeth said as she decided to activate her mirror rings.

The waves surrounding her split open preventing any more waves from hitting her.

Hood: huh? Why haven't I thought about that.

Hood said as she activate her own mirror ring.

As it prevented the waves from hitting her as well.

As they continue to set sail on the waters and find any enemy Sirens.

Queen Elizabeth: any Siren yet Hood?

Queen Elizabeth asked as she sat on top of a flat rock.

Hoof:no your Majesty I haven't found any Sirens yet.

Hood said as she stands on top of a taller rock that gives her.

Some height to see if there is any Siren around.

The two were in a Class S World field with Storms, giant waves, whirlpool , and Volcano.

Meanwhile two Sirens were standing above a volcano.

????:fufufu guess I'll have that little Queen Observer A you take care of the Hood.

Said a female Siren with giant shark riggings on her back.

Observer A:Roger that I'll take care of her.

Observer A said as she summoned her riggings before she flew towards Hood.

Leaving only the other Female Siren alone as a smile could be seen on her face.

????:fufufufu I wonder how you can entertain me little Queen.

The female Siren said before summoning 2000 HS.

????:now then let's have some fun.

The female Siren said as thunderstorm began to struck everywhere.

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