Chapter 78

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A/N:here is the next chapter you all been waiting for hope you all enjoy and I should also is my story that interesting cause I feel like my writing isn't that really good.

Iowa:hey it ain't funny North Carolina.

Iowa said while pouting but then a shell hit the water a few meters away from them.

Iowa:ok less talking for now and let's take care of the for now.

North Carolina: I have to agree to that.

North Carolina said as the two of the aimed there cannons on the Battleship that fired on them.

The battle was getting intense now as the remaining Siren ships were slowly being sunk or end up getting slaughtered to be exact.

As there was only 20 more Siren production model ships left but the couldn't find the remaining Siren ships.

Iowa:you found any of the remaining siren ships North Carolina?

Iowa asked as she looks around to see if there is any left.

North Carolina: nope I don't see any bit of Siren ships just pile of wreckages.

North Carolina said as she looks at Siren ships slowly sinking into the bottom of the mirror sea.

Iowa:we should regroup with the others.

Iowa suggested as North Carolina nodded in agreement.

North Carolina: that would be a good idea.

North Carolina said as she then looks to the volcano to find Akagi now gone.

North Carolina: hey where did Akagi go?

North Carolina asked as she was surprised that Akagi was now gone and she couldn't seem to find her.

Iowa:she's probably somewhere will find her for now let's regroup with the others.

Iowa said as North Carolina nodded at this as they left to regroup with the others.

Meanwhile with the others we could see them fighting against only 300 remaining Siren Bombers and Interceptors.

Helena:Hamman enemy above your left side.

Helena said as she dodge a bomb and then immediately fired a Vacuum Imploder Shell.

The shell flew up towards a group of Siren Bombers that immediately got sucked by the shell before exploding.

As it released a invisible force that immediately destroyed several other Bombers near it.

Hamman:I got it Helena.

Hamman said as she jump into a Siren Interceptors and made pull upwards.

As she see several Siren Bombers heading towards her.

Hamman:time to for you all to take zap.

Hamman said as she fired a Thunder Shell.

The shell flew up towards the Bombers who drop bombs towards Hamman.

Hamman saw this as she jumps out of the Interceptors as it got destroyed by the bombs.

Meanwhile her shell flew besides the Siren Bombers before exploding.

As it disintegrates the Bombers to dust and some that are a bit far away from the shell exploded due too much energy the bombers absorbed.

Causing this Bombers to explode and various parts of the bombers fall to the water below.

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