Chapter 100(Special Event: When Fantasy Clashed With Sci-fi)

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A/N:here is the chapter next all of you been waiting for hope you all enjoy I am completely surprised to myself that I have manage to make 100 chapters in a story something I thought i wouldn't be able to do but here is it all of you enjoy also I want you all to vote what will the Ironblood Arc will be.

A:Ironblood are still ally with the sirens and are still being manipulated.

B:Ironblood will join Azur Lane again and Y/N and the others will go to Europe and will fight the sirens in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

A/N:the voting will end in 2 days from now so will be waiting till then there will be ship girls if the French, Russian and Italian ship girls that will join them including some new OC of mine.

Rose:please everyone calm down.

Rose said as Mordred and the others realized that Rose was still there.

Merlin:I apologize for our behavior just now.

Merlin said while bowing infront of Rose.

Rose:it is alright it's understandable why you all would be angry.

Rose said as she gestured Merlin to stand back up as Merlin nodded at this and sit back up.


(3rd POV)

As Merlin now sat back on the couch that she was previously on.

Mordred: Morgana has been hiring pirates to work for her then.

Mordred said in anger after knowing why Dezirem have attacked them

It happened several months ago normally pirates would just raid trading ships.

But they seem to have change that  month and started raiding bot only supply ships but also convoys that carry materials that the Empire had.

Severely damaging the supply of the Empire for 2 weeks until the have manage to Repel several pirates.

Due to the new pirate threat the Imperial Britannian Navy or EBN for short has been on full high alert.

All trading routes are and supply routes have been heavily guarded by Frigates and Corvette's.

The more heavily defended convoy and supply ships are guarded by Battleship by the Navy.

To ensure there supply chain would not fall again and get raided by pirates.

But this wasn't the only trouble that the pirates have caused shipyards and coastal cities and towns are also bee raided.

Causing many innocent lives to die and either get captured by the pirates and using them as slaves.

Due to this it caused the Empress to be furious that she deployed several Watchtowers.

On all coastal cities ,towns and villages near the sea.

This coastal towers acts as a Artillery that bombards pirate ships and sink them to the bottom of the sea.

But not all villages, cities, and towns can be putted a coastal towers.

So they proceed to send mages to defend the other cities, towns, and villages.

As this decreased the pirates raiding on a coastal settlements by 65%.

But that didn't stop the pirates to continue raiding the nation.

Some have even started to fled towards the nearby towns that are far away from the sea.

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